GO:0016864: intramolecular oxidoreductase activity, transposing S-S bonds (Molecular function)

"Catalysis of an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction in which the hydrogen donor and acceptor are the same molecule, one or more sulfur-sulfur bonds in the molecule are rearranged, and no oxidized product appears." [EC:5.3.4, GOC:mah]

There are 1119 sequences with this label.

Enriched clusters
Name Species % in cluster p-value corrected p-value action
Cluster_179 Arabidopsis thaliana 2.22 % 0.00138 0.044109
Cluster_226 Arabidopsis thaliana 3.95 % 1.3e-05 0.000108
Cluster_32 Arabidopsis thaliana 0.91 % 0.00792 0.02754
Cluster_241 Amborella trichopoda 1.22 % 0.003002 0.023924
Cluster_73 Cyanophora paradoxa 0.45 % 0.008906 0.036374
Cluster_57 Zea mays 1.52 % 0.003172 0.008973
Cluster_172 Physcomitrella patens 1.25 % 0.007376 0.014318
Cluster_158 Oryza sativa 0.6 % 0.003982 0.023415
Cluster_7 Solanum lycopersicum 0.41 % 0.007219 0.036386
Sequences (1119) (download table)

Info: GO-associations disabled for items with more than 300 associated sequences !
InterPro Domains

Family Terms