GO:0005388: calcium-transporting ATPase activity (Molecular function)

"Enables the transfer of a solute or solutes from one side of a membrane to the other according to the reaction: ATP + H2O + Ca2+(cis) = ADP + phosphate + Ca2+(trans)." [EC:]

There are 508 sequences with this label.

Enriched clusters
Name Species % in cluster p-value corrected p-value action
Cluster_169 Arabidopsis thaliana 2.04 % 0.001444 0.006395
Cluster_99 Arabidopsis thaliana 1.77 % 0.001913 0.016878
Sequences (508) (download table)

Info: GO-associations disabled for items with more than 300 associated sequences !
InterPro Domains

Family Terms