GO:0008094: DNA-dependent ATPase activity (Molecular function)

"Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + H2O = ADP + phosphate; this reaction requires the presence of single- or double-stranded DNA, and it drives another reaction." [EC:, GOC:jl]

There are 4515 sequences with this label.

Enriched clusters
Name Species % in cluster p-value corrected p-value action
Cluster_58 Arabidopsis thaliana 2.1 % 0.00072 0.005258
Cluster_17 Arabidopsis thaliana 1.75 % 0.00867 0.038716
Cluster_49 Arabidopsis thaliana 4.55 % 7.4e-05 0.001063
Cluster_110 Arabidopsis thaliana 3.6 % 1e-06 4e-06
Cluster_74 Amborella trichopoda 1.9 % 8e-06 0.000117
Cluster_24 Cyanophora paradoxa 1.8 % 0.000414 0.001936
Cluster_69 Cyanophora paradoxa 1.43 % 0.019671 0.046303
Cluster_151 Gingko biloba 2.35 % 8.7e-05 0.000956
Cluster_188 Gingko biloba 1.27 % 0.000301 0.001103
Cluster_115 Zea mays 1.69 % 2e-06 7e-06
Cluster_180 Zea mays 0.93 % 0.015486 0.046656
Cluster_175 Zea mays 1.27 % 0.011347 0.02469
Cluster_352 Zea mays 1.08 % 0.013347 0.029364
Cluster_194 Picea abies 1.57 % 7.5e-05 0.000255
Cluster_87 Oryza sativa 0.64 % 0.01847 0.043032
Cluster_141 Oryza sativa 1.06 % 0.000196 0.001271
Cluster_139 Solanum lycopersicum 1.75 % 0.008336 0.02535
Cluster_53 Vitis vinifera 1.04 % 0.002288 0.006673
Cluster_236 Vitis vinifera 1.77 % 0.000802 0.013066
Cluster_60 Vitis vinifera 1.08 % 0.002127 0.014933
Cluster_88 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 1.23 % 0.00437 0.038456
Cluster_10 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 1.54 % 0.002806 0.00933
Sequences (4515) (download table)

Info: GO-associations disabled for items with more than 300 associated sequences !
InterPro Domains

Family Terms