Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp7g17090.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.9432558400423894 3 Mp2g11390.1 protease (RBL) 0.9427114244156183 9 Mp5g19720.1 deubiquitinase (UBP6-7) 0.9409370988399282 8 Mp6g12560.1 alpha-1,2-mannosyltransferase (ALG9) 0.938043183464987 5 Mp7g01360.1 solute transporter (MTCC) 0.9379006525035917 39 Mp1g15200.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.9377684833109164 58 Mp6g14370.1 component MIP3 of DSL1 (Depends-on-SLY1) complex 0.933867949660864 75 Mp1g23920.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.9337762689765242 20 Mp2g05340.3 no hits & (original description: none) 0.933747220084408 55 Mp1g00100.1 O-fucosyltransferase 7 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|b7zwr7|ofut7_arath : 541.0) 0.9325469623138075 32 Mp4g00410.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.932310115158397 19 Mp3g13310.1 glycerol-3-phosphatase 0.93133740836579 12 Mp1g12840.1 component ATG5 of autophagosome ATG12-ATG5 ATG8-PE-ligase E3 heterodimer 0.9306557692132483 71 Mp2g23850.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.9303547014083011 62 Mp3g24010.1 subunit 7 of RNA polymerase 0.9302624077646211 15 Mp5g18700.1 G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) 0.929149721813746 67 Mp8g03820.1 transcription factor (bZIP). transcription factor (bZIP9/10/25) 0.9290725763529543 17 Mp7g16810.1 component SNX1 of Retromer protein recycling complex 0.9272435476750133 69 Mp6g00330.1 Vesicle-fusing ATPase OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9m0y8|nsf_arath : 933.0) & Enzyme classification.EC_3 hydrolases.EC_3.6 hydrolase acting on acid anhydride(50.3.6 : 877.3) 0.9272099124036989 31 Mp4g19680.1 3-hydroxyisobutyryl-CoA hydrolase-like protein 3, mitochondrial OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9t0k7|hibc6_arath : 429.0) & Enzyme classification.EC_3 hydrolases.EC_3.1 hydrolase acting on ester bond(50.3.1 : 261.7) 0.9268671900265182 53 Mp7g18270.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.9263269756076389 91 Mp2g03880.1 component FtsH4|11 of FtsH mitochondrial protease complexes 0.9251244226455223 32 Mp8g14380.1 Probable inactive purple acid phosphatase 29 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9fmk9|ppa29_arath : 359.0) 0.9245834987681659 28 Mp1g17410.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.92391070661539 30 Mp1g23990.1 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase SIS3 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q8gyt9|sis3_arath : 421.0) 0.9220169538229505 50 Mp1g04760.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.9218882451205734 35 Mp2g17380.1 GTG plasma membrane-localized abscisic acid receptor. cold sensor (COLD1) 0.921545168825595 99 Mp5g00200.1 ubiquitin-regulatory component PUX1 of ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD) machinery 0.9207455509065298 94 Mp6g09050.1 large subunit beta of AP-4 vacuole cargo adaptor complex 0.9205689634277252 90 Mp5g17690.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.9203617604386372 83 Mp1g15280.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.9187291605462502 53 Mp5g16190.1 metal cation transporter 0.9186053860591198 46 Mp5g01180.1 regulatory component RPN11 of 26S proteasome 0.9181984486399414 48 Mp1g00960.1 component Pex4 of receptor monoubiquitination system 0.9179153036335781 49 Mp3g01840.1 prolyl hydroxylase 0.9174203163073203 52 Mp5g17410.1 component NCT of gamma secretase complex 0.9169333957442894 97 Mp8g00690.1 accessory component TPR7 of co-translational insertion system 0.9168372083618607 99 Mp4g20100.1 E-class RAB GTPase 0.9144369527055732 64 Mp7g12230.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.9132743136204198 69 Mp3g11560.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.9131290956457824 70 Mp6g09080.1 component ArpC4 of Arp2/3 actin polymerization initiation complex 0.9131070245769974 71 Mp6g01270.1 anion transporter (NRT1/PTR) 0.9129171246371793 72 Mp1g20070.1 Proline iminopeptidase OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|p93732|pip_arath : 465.0) 0.9127077024531156 73 Mp8g14610.1 zinc metalloprotease (STE24) 0.9117197106229569 78 Mp1g29820.1 tRNA pseudouridine synthase (TruA) 0.9091705107671741 87 Mp5g18590.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.9078626995705812 98 Mp7g18280.1 component SGT2 of GET4-GET5 scaffold subcomplex 0.9077507874707814 100