condition mean min max Egg cell 18.1842777 0.939507 85.3643 Ovule 5.340253846153846 2.12401 7.38322 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 5.851586666666667 5.29341 6.29588 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 4.923213333333333 4.39398 5.20604 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 4.4454666666666665 2.48197 6.40178 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 2.2065033333333335 0.51326 3.1553 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 5.312456666666667 3.65262 6.39216 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 0.48239699999999996 0.321354 0.654281 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 0.25018676666666667 0.0867103 0.49508 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 0.11333898 0.0156777 0.286743 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 0.2543283333333333 0.104996 0.483201 Sperm 0.6733593333333333 0.491854 0.833055 Pollen tube (Col-0) 0.11904173333333333 0.0575185 0.230567 Flower (receptacles) 3.44193125 3.31359 3.61279 Flower (floral buds) 3.03298 3.03298 3.03298 Flower (sepals) 3.4470475 2.79334 3.98507 Flower (petals) 2.30498 2.1854 2.42456 Flower (stamen filaments) 2.377395 2.3421 2.41269 Flower (anthers) 1.222569 0.240278 3.74753 Flower (carpels) 6.148905 3.63614 9.07531 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 3.0799849999999998 2.64368 3.51629 Pedicel 5.472605 5.38459 5.56062 Axis of the inflorescence 7.48856 7.235 7.74212 Silique 3.07383 2.04289 4.99763 Silique (senescent) 1.459355 1.20493 1.71378 Pods of siliques 3.014795 2.40844 3.89602 Pods of siliques (senescent) 1.30762 1.24563 1.36961 Embryo 5.42997 5.42997 5.42997 Endosperm 3.344619 2.38097 5.02821 Seed 0.99613275 0.692279 1.3874 Seed (young) 5.648344 4.51886 7.51408 Seed (germinating) 5.8609350000000004 3.56662 7.65747 Seedling 1.5938622 0.759743 2.64404 Seedling (etiolated) 2.0857116666666666 1.52853 3.00659 Meristem 6.589464666666666 2.89503 9.40953 Stem (internode) 3.22702 3.07562 3.37842 Stem (internode, senescent) 2.4961450000000003 2.44625 2.54604 Stems 2.699091470588235 0.532191 4.507 Leaf (rosette) 4.370342857142857 1.16641 7.60003 Epidermis cells 0.592122 0.447736 0.736508 Mature guard cells 0.0557205 0.0 0.111441 Root (differentiation zone) 1.1619 1.1619 1.1619 Root (elongation zone) 1.7118615 0.993163 2.43056 Root (meristematic zone) 6.60341 6.60341 6.60341 Root (apex) 5.3110800000000005 4.87667 5.74549 Root (stele) 9.90759 9.90759 9.90759 Root (QC cells) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Root (tip) 3.22108 1.7598 3.96598