condition mean min max Egg cell 55.314471 9.74441 120.661 Ovule 28.073626923076922 22.1469 33.8192 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 5.7779 4.84069 6.52691 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 6.7711 5.34826 8.48909 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 12.8348 10.3103 16.7317 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 22.318166666666666 18.7419 24.2251 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 8.329896666666667 6.39299 10.9686 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 14.002476666666666 9.36343 18.1329 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 4.5325500000000005 2.49217 6.59153 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 1.64472 1.4623 2.02507 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 0.9286326666666667 0.235936 1.76443 Sperm 5.983966666666666 4.60518 7.69843 Pollen tube (Col-0) 11.554553333333333 7.48546 16.7305 Flower (receptacles) 23.7798125 22.4081 26.9408 Flower (floral buds) 28.9532 28.9532 28.9532 Flower (sepals) 25.970225 19.0868 33.5756 Flower (petals) 62.3331 57.8238 66.8424 Flower (stamen filaments) 43.30745 38.3996 48.2153 Flower (anthers) 54.11685 20.9603 109.441 Flower (carpels) 26.432485714285715 20.7679 37.1226 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 38.1355 37.329 38.942 Pedicel 16.2141 15.4703 16.9579 Axis of the inflorescence 14.100999999999999 13.6483 14.5537 Silique 17.380288888888888 13.1422 23.1539 Silique (senescent) 17.58545 16.4214 18.7495 Pods of siliques 18.5093875 16.0081 23.1973 Pods of siliques (senescent) 31.443649999999998 31.0544 31.8329 Embryo 23.0996 23.0996 23.0996 Endosperm 16.87253 10.3534 30.6179 Seed 10.1562175 6.73223 13.2904 Seed (young) 23.298659999999998 18.593 30.1568 Seed (germinating) 21.8522 15.0707 28.7657 Seedling 18.19274 12.1341 24.877 Seedling (etiolated) 36.559466666666665 19.465 43.4075 Meristem 23.246832 6.41716 29.1644 Stem (internode) 20.41605 19.9339 20.8982 Stem (internode, senescent) 59.2806 57.0374 61.5238 Stems 18.928461764705883 10.4899 37.5844 Leaf (rosette) 17.603930000000002 9.12312 24.3487 Epidermis cells 2.164161 0.160162 4.16816 Mature guard cells 9.365269999999999 9.01506 9.71548 Root (differentiation zone) 59.701 59.701 59.701 Root (elongation zone) 21.1954 12.3864 30.0044 Root (meristematic zone) 4.09082 4.09082 4.09082 Root (apex) 16.57575 13.9495 19.202 Root (stele) 21.354 21.354 21.354 Root (QC cells) 5.802189275833333 0.0 69.0198 Root (tip) 7.14809 6.93624 7.33259