condition mean min max Egg cell 15.959166666666667 11.5074 23.1519 Ovary 7.034356666666667 5.49499 8.48587 Ovule 66.33347499999999 36.2591 90.5248 Microspore 4.5384914 0.256357 9.73855 Bicellular microspore 0.130414 0.130414 0.130414 Pollen (mature) 0.3178321648648649 0.0 1.86276 Pollen tube 0.8841915 0.434416 1.42507 Sperm cell 85.58085 1.87496 200.333 Pollen tube 0.8841915 0.434416 1.42507 Tassels (primordia) 42.11405 36.01 48.3037 Tassels (anther) 38.627338461538464 27.5158 53.2941 Tassels 30.64724875 7.15722 66.8526 Silk 12.57611 6.77782 18.3744 Ear 28.70623 13.5446 60.7969 Ear (immature) 24.531016666666666 21.7853 27.9727 Ear (inflorescence) 22.83615 19.0156 26.6567 Ear (primordia) 35.762299999999996 10.6662 53.2041 Zygote (12 HAP) 61.47136666666667 60.2828 63.0565 Zygote (24 HAP) 45.40903333333333 28.4738 56.3748 Daughter cell (apical) 60.32123333333334 49.7108 65.7099 Daughter cell (basal) 73.21 58.736 80.5067 Embryo 28.931155555555556 15.4421 47.2286 Nucellus 44.678749999999994 41.8229 47.5346 Endopserm 16.039617857142858 2.51901 32.6534 Kernel 25.976725 14.3684 48.2413 Kernel (germinating) 33.0991 31.294 34.9042 Seeds 44.40385666666667 8.49897 74.3393 Embryo Sac 66.19800000000001 59.5735 72.8225 Pericarp and aleurone 12.3765 12.3765 12.3765 Coleoptile (5 day) 32.64196666666667 30.9216 33.5794 Seedling 32.067304782608694 5.02173 65.037 Internode 39.7945 31.1111 62.6552 Sheath 85.1289 72.577 97.6808 Shoot (apex) 36.8199736 18.1151 72.341 Shoot 26.608049166666667 6.72182 39.86 Whole plant 21.20345 17.5571 25.2479 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 20.527900000000002 19.919 21.1368 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 44.0221 37.1051 48.2447 Apical meristem 44.8568 44.8568 44.8568 Stem and meristem 61.414699999999996 61.3032 61.5262 Stems 46.708575 31.8165 68.0678 Stem (Internode) 37.06726666666667 29.9685 44.7956 Leaf 17.69835873873874 1.43643 75.8752 Leaf (apex) 29.233800000000002 26.8324 31.6352 Leaf (bundle sheath) 10.583505 2.72031 18.4467 Leaf (mesophyll) 7.849566666666667 4.12269 13.238 Leaf (seedlings) 2.8190156 0.356492 9.1517 Leaf and kernel 8.18345 5.86431 10.7036 Ear (leaf) 8.99754 8.99754 8.99754 Root 53.933628125 20.9439 93.8126 Root (elongation zone) 87.707075 41.2271 142.504 Root (meristematic zone) 65.06645 63.8145 66.3184 Root (stele) 48.9572 42.0583 63.3686 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 68.698 68.698 68.698 Secondary root 49.7861 49.7861 49.7861 Root, root hairs removed 56.2458 56.2458 56.2458 Root (maturation zone) 29.9157 29.9157 29.9157