condition mean min max Egg cell 1.4262973333333333 0.560589 2.79535 Ovary 12.668306666666666 9.20632 14.5455 Ovule 67.7948 43.2899 112.205 Microspore 3.63581172 0.0638226 7.5423 Bicellular microspore 0.0560293 0.0560293 0.0560293 Pollen (mature) 0.5450420489189189 0.0 12.2253 Pollen tube 0.008444199999999999 0.0 0.0212498 Sperm cell 0.3092495 0.0 1.89351 Pollen tube 0.008444199999999999 0.0 0.0212498 Tassels (primordia) 104.218325 85.8316 117.482 Tassels (anther) 43.59936153846154 17.3235 83.1617 Tassels 38.49079875 3.95424 116.65 Silk 9.23588 8.17276 10.299 Ear 71.380335 4.87723 205.936 Ear (immature) 61.2424 58.955 65.5154 Ear (inflorescence) 83.07480000000001 66.5699 99.5797 Ear (primordia) 107.81261666666667 24.2057 156.699 Zygote (12 HAP) 23.271233333333335 21.0771 25.6812 Zygote (24 HAP) 37.659733333333335 27.0233 46.7656 Daughter cell (apical) 52.076033333333335 50.4709 52.9472 Daughter cell (basal) 76.97223333333334 72.6811 79.8505 Embryo 49.96611 6.10069 80.0526 Nucellus 107.11699999999999 101.856 112.378 Endopserm 20.803135 2.62155 48.3972 Kernel 46.6113 18.8165 186.326 Kernel (germinating) 21.33845 20.6527 22.0242 Seeds 58.303869999999996 9.08761 145.315 Embryo Sac 79.2684 63.7068 94.83 Pericarp and aleurone 5.08752 5.08752 5.08752 Coleoptile (5 day) 70.59386666666667 58.1983 78.3486 Seedling 16.49099456521739 0.554022 55.4735 Internode 13.356770000000001 2.76141 52.9896 Sheath 86.60675 73.4016 99.8119 Shoot (apex) 57.2611384 21.5494 115.365 Shoot 12.293946583333334 0.931579 22.5341 Whole plant 27.256899999999998 22.9517 29.6058 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 35.33085 33.8473 36.8144 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 48.092666666666666 41.9048 60.4036 Apical meristem 95.1714 95.1714 95.1714 Stem and meristem 77.16669999999999 76.6306 77.7028 Stems 49.632456250000004 6.00213 119.886 Stem (Internode) 8.146876666666667 5.00418 12.3131 Leaf 6.072130902702702 0.0615526 79.2057 Leaf (apex) 70.3879 53.8804 86.8954 Leaf (bundle sheath) 2.0335925 0.165415 3.90177 Leaf (mesophyll) 1.5141593333333332 0.299088 2.97516 Leaf (seedlings) 0.8107091333333334 0.198451 2.15727 Leaf and kernel 0.812744 0.299834 1.08945 Ear (leaf) 1.27971 1.27971 1.27971 Root 25.01203125 2.47933 65.243 Root (elongation zone) 32.079299999999996 16.9202 46.6855 Root (meristematic zone) 93.7228 92.8458 94.5998 Root (stele) 15.575725 12.933 18.6895 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 32.5983 32.5983 32.5983 Secondary root 19.2747 19.2747 19.2747 Root, root hairs removed 26.4027 26.4027 26.4027 Root (maturation zone) 29.8078 29.8078 29.8078