condition mean min max Egg cell 8.551146666666668 2.18058 20.2813 Ovary 10.62213 8.22518 13.8934 Ovule 37.629075 18.9656 53.9819 Microspore 11.4106198 0.714769 37.0999 Bicellular microspore 0.274156 0.274156 0.274156 Pollen (mature) 0.22037694054054055 0.0 1.85393 Pollen tube 0.14488218333333333 0.0707017 0.245592 Sperm cell 0.380303 0.0 0.784758 Pollen tube 0.14488218333333333 0.0707017 0.245592 Tassels (primordia) 35.73275 29.7199 39.1088 Tassels (anther) 24.06713076923077 15.5679 35.4349 Tassels 24.1593125 10.0851 38.0535 Silk 111.918 104.971 118.865 Ear 43.73245 22.0582 68.4469 Ear (immature) 43.935633333333335 39.688 47.017 Ear (inflorescence) 53.94515 52.1609 55.7294 Ear (primordia) 34.61921666666667 31.392 38.7102 Zygote (12 HAP) 53.155033333333336 41.2566 66.3452 Zygote (24 HAP) 29.472266666666666 26.4685 31.476 Daughter cell (apical) 7.832343333333334 4.80581 9.82224 Daughter cell (basal) 9.11951 6.29763 14.1424 Embryo 35.414455555555556 22.1654 60.5755 Nucellus 50.30245 50.2202 50.3847 Endopserm 10.535944285714287 2.82014 29.859 Kernel 30.9862 12.6697 67.5412 Kernel (germinating) 21.8978 17.169 26.6266 Seeds 45.09612727272727 10.4208 72.2129 Embryo Sac 55.689449999999994 29.5426 81.8363 Pericarp and aleurone 27.724 27.724 27.724 Coleoptile (5 day) 55.98343333333333 53.1901 58.2134 Seedling 44.29859130434783 23.7793 102.921 Internode 92.04172857142856 56.2937 120.222 Sheath 39.64945 39.0427 40.2562 Shoot (apex) 49.2730712 23.6606 88.9 Shoot 31.712608333333336 17.3158 46.6819 Whole plant 55.307775 44.1619 64.5429 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 33.707100000000004 26.4719 40.9423 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 58.1224 52.2068 61.115 Apical meristem 16.9931 16.9931 16.9931 Stem and meristem 29.93325 28.4298 31.4367 Stems 71.91015 49.9638 93.0569 Stem (Internode) 91.01 66.1183 109.953 Leaf 31.18044954954955 6.63189 99.4684 Leaf (apex) 27.3919 25.6967 29.0871 Leaf (bundle sheath) 15.50901 8.91872 22.0993 Leaf (mesophyll) 14.8834 7.9546 21.7016 Leaf (seedlings) 11.383547466666666 0.899302 33.0338 Leaf and kernel 39.33885 23.8418 62.0372 Ear (leaf) 29.6511 29.6511 29.6511 Root 52.89679270833334 10.625 93.1447 Root (elongation zone) 37.7394 29.1717 47.1682 Root (meristematic zone) 13.26415 12.3457 14.1826 Root (stele) 44.676500000000004 38.1109 50.9987 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 44.9104 44.9104 44.9104 Secondary root 37.9539 37.9539 37.9539 Root, root hairs removed 44.7038 44.7038 44.7038 Root (maturation zone) 10.9649 10.9649 10.9649