condition mean min max Egg cell 8.199046666666668 4.35377 14.7466 Ovary 0.5809416666666667 0.408344 0.826516 Ovule 1.76562 1.40356 2.57063 Microspore 3.9120436 0.599958 6.79592 Bicellular microspore 0.294864 0.294864 0.294864 Pollen (mature) 1.0693192162162162 0.0 2.938 Pollen tube 0.42358616666666665 0.389954 0.482216 Sperm cell 0.16689171428571428 0.0 0.60004 Pollen tube 0.42358616666666665 0.389954 0.482216 Tassels (primordia) 3.5666100000000003 2.02392 4.71023 Tassels (anther) 4.6004576923076925 0.65196 8.79918 Tassels 1.733654375 0.365929 4.96855 Silk 5.01276 0.24767 9.77785 Ear 2.1687102 0.238772 3.66727 Ear (immature) 2.9377216666666666 2.22736 3.76962 Ear (inflorescence) 3.30272 2.86125 3.74419 Ear (primordia) 2.446215 1.20966 4.46035 Zygote (12 HAP) 18.560436666666668 7.09511 27.4976 Zygote (24 HAP) 17.518766666666668 14.0201 20.6785 Daughter cell (apical) 8.065223333333334 7.39399 8.69748 Daughter cell (basal) 6.282493333333333 4.92079 7.97563 Embryo 6.292018888888888 1.71898 10.0906 Nucellus 1.8938899999999999 1.83076 1.95702 Endopserm 1.5789345142857143 0.0 7.18979 Kernel 2.1864844166666666 0.439803 5.51741 Kernel (germinating) 3.4833 2.80896 4.15764 Seeds 2.6584358484848485 0.633219 8.81569 Embryo Sac 1.9931415000000001 0.922133 3.06415 Pericarp and aleurone 2.34468 2.34468 2.34468 Coleoptile (5 day) 4.78322 4.36979 5.33062 Seedling 1.3908417391304349 0.258047 3.38338 Internode 1.389978 0.980796 2.1887 Sheath 1.71681 1.58439 1.84923 Shoot (apex) 4.52008344 1.48895 8.95464 Shoot 0.9895179166666667 0.0 2.84821 Whole plant 2.8220475 1.0421 5.3105 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 2.341775 1.61051 3.07304 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 8.291736666666667 6.61969 10.7327 Apical meristem 2.66897 2.66897 2.66897 Stem and meristem 2.88536 2.66469 3.10603 Stems 1.4238673750000002 0.635062 2.02179 Stem (Internode) 1.094452 0.741916 1.28458 Leaf 2.4042717027027027 0.131908 21.918 Leaf (apex) 2.38747 1.83475 2.94019 Leaf (bundle sheath) 0.562689 0.505714 0.619664 Leaf (mesophyll) 0.5793103333333334 0.368186 0.878278 Leaf (seedlings) 0.5152068666666667 0.0698436 1.95391 Leaf and kernel 0.7313218333333333 0.235226 2.09328 Ear (leaf) 1.48949 1.48949 1.48949 Root 4.426795239583333 0.867053 27.6038 Root (elongation zone) 1.5260125 1.14883 2.05231 Root (meristematic zone) 6.507009999999999 6.16602 6.848 Root (stele) 3.027925 2.379 4.01597 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 2.75873 2.75873 2.75873 Secondary root 1.60637 1.60637 1.60637 Root, root hairs removed 3.12318 3.12318 3.12318 Root (maturation zone) 4.42808 4.42808 4.42808