condition mean min max Egg cell 11.034556666666667 2.89615 25.6193 Ovary 7.675976666666666 5.29403 9.37507 Ovule 16.93583 2.62529 52.52 Microspore 8.6811992 0.769376 18.5493 Bicellular microspore 0.105483 0.105483 0.105483 Pollen (mature) 0.6826845675675676 0.103906 2.5518 Pollen tube 0.371176 0.204021 0.599847 Sperm cell 0.15432875714285713 0.0 0.488432 Pollen tube 0.371176 0.204021 0.599847 Tassels (primordia) 43.4162 35.8391 46.9354 Tassels (anther) 28.242284615384616 10.7992 48.5589 Tassels 21.14009375 6.80617 36.812 Silk 17.551450000000003 16.5634 18.5395 Ear 36.44002 15.788 52.1923 Ear (immature) 41.23878333333333 39.1174 42.7531 Ear (inflorescence) 41.341499999999996 37.9851 44.6979 Ear (primordia) 38.29346666666667 29.4247 42.6655 Zygote (12 HAP) 26.805633333333333 24.5637 29.739 Zygote (24 HAP) 31.807833333333335 26.9764 36.7945 Daughter cell (apical) 8.60833 6.62096 10.0288 Daughter cell (basal) 7.042433333333333 6.56282 7.31179 Embryo 26.53827777777778 12.5311 38.1053 Nucellus 42.62365 41.4368 43.8105 Endopserm 13.805137142857143 3.84759 46.5537 Kernel 24.672433333333334 18.5729 37.1752 Kernel (germinating) 29.0911 28.5546 29.6276 Seeds 22.580243636363637 5.26667 32.1737 Embryo Sac 7.257675 5.88316 8.63219 Pericarp and aleurone 8.36945 8.36945 8.36945 Coleoptile (5 day) 68.92823333333334 66.229 73.7281 Seedling 15.54239 6.26167 28.0076 Internode 24.483014285714287 20.9511 26.7774 Sheath 16.4175 13.4085 19.4265 Shoot (apex) 35.8928 24.6442 54.6238 Shoot 14.586465833333333 6.06235 40.7272 Whole plant 27.8754 22.3581 32.9372 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 22.69055 21.8855 23.4956 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 15.810666666666666 13.7057 19.3555 Apical meristem 42.9408 42.9408 42.9408 Stem and meristem 27.911749999999998 25.9528 29.8707 Stems 29.1869 23.138 33.8204 Stem (Internode) 24.247566666666668 18.8108 27.917 Leaf 24.998787657657658 1.32003 103.896 Leaf (apex) 33.28185 32.3617 34.202 Leaf (bundle sheath) 11.33145 11.2119 11.451 Leaf (mesophyll) 10.662976666666667 6.71733 14.8039 Leaf (seedlings) 4.686457266666666 0.576685 9.81144 Leaf and kernel 13.533888333333334 8.55442 19.2823 Ear (leaf) 10.2222 10.2222 10.2222 Root 25.248370833333333 10.1009 59.8868 Root (elongation zone) 7.5279625 5.55641 9.29073 Root (meristematic zone) 21.0165 20.2608 21.7722 Root (stele) 24.57815 17.5019 40.209 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 22.2939 22.2939 22.2939 Secondary root 16.1241 16.1241 16.1241 Root, root hairs removed 22.2277 22.2277 22.2277 Root (maturation zone) 24.9927 24.9927 24.9927