condition mean min max Egg cell 778.7526666666666 581.736 1171.29 Ovary 85.13273333333333 62.9053 112.434 Ovule 909.27775 483.787 1450.17 Microspore 237.63568 2.2913 1003.49 Bicellular microspore 3.51539 3.51539 3.51539 Pollen (mature) 18.450432162162162 2.74141 39.3806 Pollen tube 19.426000000000002 16.8472 20.8532 Sperm cell 224.89031999999997 1.17327 543.42 Pollen tube 19.426000000000002 16.8472 20.8532 Tassels (primordia) 647.0677499999999 588.208 704.431 Tassels (anther) 402.83946153846153 347.27 463.351 Tassels 315.491875 119.099 483.486 Silk 469.61199999999997 184.727 754.497 Ear 568.1769 155.15 871.577 Ear (immature) 496.8996666666667 439.961 552.498 Ear (inflorescence) 969.8395 953.55 986.129 Ear (primordia) 428.31649999999996 193.905 572.669 Zygote (12 HAP) 914.6063333333333 815.905 994.127 Zygote (24 HAP) 1035.013 969.534 1146.94 Daughter cell (apical) 953.718 903.938 1010.05 Daughter cell (basal) 899.6123333333334 872.345 946.099 Embryo 523.0046666666667 191.023 1277.13 Nucellus 491.8215 442.349 541.294 Endopserm 350.7135 147.656 603.442 Kernel 543.8964166666667 323.734 794.916 Kernel (germinating) 535.739 385.264 686.214 Seeds 549.1365151515151 233.65 813.209 Embryo Sac 1246.079 987.078 1505.08 Pericarp and aleurone 138.369 138.369 138.369 Coleoptile (5 day) 158.08833333333334 146.214 174.431 Seedling 507.0088260869565 331.007 699.583 Internode 758.1737142857143 616.015 929.874 Sheath 465.741 445.172 486.31 Shoot (apex) 596.42696 375.267 1019.92 Shoot 461.8288333333333 353.217 614.396 Whole plant 802.9200000000001 563.118 1222.81 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 526.499 429.954 623.044 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 632.4173333333333 606.23 671.579 Apical meristem 615.916 615.916 615.916 Stem and meristem 631.085 628.984 633.186 Stems 818.105375 773.59 895.172 Stem (Internode) 777.5093333333333 740.496 807.246 Leaf 526.2822612612613 175.216 1482.13 Leaf (apex) 442.7875 404.148 481.427 Leaf (bundle sheath) 412.77049999999997 368.983 456.558 Leaf (mesophyll) 355.365 331.495 377.499 Leaf (seedlings) 280.76292 45.8052 590.144 Leaf and kernel 658.5173333333333 581.907 783.781 Ear (leaf) 436.001 436.001 436.001 Root 679.3215520833334 186.523 1053.69 Root (elongation zone) 664.2975 451.203 829.874 Root (meristematic zone) 599.3065 589.456 609.157 Root (stele) 777.41025 726.408 831.042 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 603.674 603.674 603.674 Secondary root 512.521 512.521 512.521 Root, root hairs removed 432.119 432.119 432.119 Root (maturation zone) 350.526 350.526 350.526