condition mean min max Egg cell 0.139796 0.0 0.419388 Ovary 2.6893233333333333 1.94371 3.13939 Ovule 4.7560325 1.26708 13.3613 Microspore 3.3650118 0.356349 6.99621 Bicellular microspore 0.0941079 0.0941079 0.0941079 Pollen (mature) 0.8781530540540541 0.0 7.07339 Pollen tube 0.26107733333333333 0.100736 0.378289 Sperm cell 1.5323410571428573 0.0 10.4953 Pollen tube 0.26107733333333333 0.100736 0.378289 Tassels (primordia) 19.147325 12.7522 24.4086 Tassels (anther) 10.933775384615384 6.22529 25.3814 Tassels 7.86121 1.9148 18.9653 Silk 4.19866 1.84967 6.54765 Ear 13.144476000000001 4.88754 26.5011 Ear (immature) 9.258363333333334 7.29458 11.0723 Ear (inflorescence) 11.31486 7.57292 15.0568 Ear (primordia) 18.141560000000002 8.46546 23.4339 Zygote (12 HAP) 2.8203300000000002 0.0 6.87295 Zygote (24 HAP) 2.8753599999999997 1.93719 3.47991 Daughter cell (apical) 3.3571166666666667 1.7963 4.53175 Daughter cell (basal) 3.9490366666666668 3.15948 4.51487 Embryo 12.42271888888889 1.67449 23.4121 Nucellus 16.9406 15.8929 17.9883 Endopserm 1.7049294285714285 0.124825 5.35075 Kernel 4.7974775 2.67061 8.76767 Kernel (germinating) 9.27166 3.89392 14.6494 Seeds 11.032501212121213 1.57635 23.9497 Embryo Sac 4.340885 3.25417 5.4276 Pericarp and aleurone 4.3923 4.3923 4.3923 Coleoptile (5 day) 24.214933333333335 15.8243 28.7237 Seedling 12.08339304347826 4.88558 21.5359 Internode 14.762728571428571 10.8265 18.9346 Sheath 15.000499999999999 13.984 16.017 Shoot (apex) 18.91299416 2.81926 43.7755 Shoot 6.173438333333333 3.79625 10.8658 Whole plant 11.704360000000001 9.29824 14.6438 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 10.35335 8.5912 12.1155 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 6.200483333333334 5.35509 7.36882 Apical meristem 20.9992 20.9992 20.9992 Stem and meristem 16.85785 16.5519 17.1638 Stems 16.73915 11.2074 22.6956 Stem (Internode) 12.8612 11.5123 14.1782 Leaf 11.207293423423422 1.86068 36.8395 Leaf (apex) 19.398699999999998 17.8611 20.9363 Leaf (bundle sheath) 7.90839 2.93688 12.8799 Leaf (mesophyll) 8.585806666666667 6.48649 12.4446 Leaf (seedlings) 6.9126958 0.565947 17.1675 Leaf and kernel 5.070143333333333 2.4682 9.11934 Ear (leaf) 14.0513 14.0513 14.0513 Root 16.153550520833335 4.25263 29.4307 Root (elongation zone) 5.9813 2.34953 10.1074 Root (meristematic zone) 18.8167 18.291 19.3424 Root (stele) 12.075825 10.0253 13.9546 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 10.5176 10.5176 10.5176 Secondary root 4.91272 4.91272 4.91272 Root, root hairs removed 15.4397 15.4397 15.4397 Root (maturation zone) 7.34601 7.34601 7.34601