condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	3.9628533333333333	2.68244	5.42047
Ovary	0.20391666666666666	0.113298	0.345779
Ovule	2.30595	1.03774	4.63527
Microspore	0.71444316	0.0232068	1.15803
Bicellular microspore	0.448619	0.448619	0.448619
Pollen (mature)	0.5934041162162162	0.0	3.19546
Pollen tube	1.3445245	0.764387	2.08811
Sperm cell	4.199622142857143	0.525855	14.9844
Pollen tube	1.3445245	0.764387	2.08811
Tassels (primordia)	5.4759725	5.17116	5.98945
Tassels (anther)	8.913450769230769	2.73747	13.7359
Tassels	4.94944	3.65739	8.07789
Silk	0.6244259999999999	0.273799	0.975053
Ear	4.7934599	0.828799	13.4384
Ear (immature)	4.99094	3.22783	6.77197
Ear (inflorescence)	2.9318	2.31765	3.54595
Ear (primordia)	6.59244	3.69059	12.3232
Zygote (12 HAP)	7.0795433333333335	6.16299	8.54569
Zygote (24 HAP)	4.8515733333333335	4.12671	6.0202
Daughter cell (apical)	2.69657	1.82038	3.93053
Daughter cell (basal)	3.2525466666666665	1.90069	4.49831
Embryo	2.625453333333333	0.0	5.84514
Nucellus	7.73883	6.74769	8.72997
Endopserm	2.0696392857142856	0.28747	4.4671
Kernel	2.7283933333333334	0.0	5.68196
Kernel (germinating)	5.90133	3.75649	8.04617
Seeds	3.1752888484848483	0.793432	6.87888
Embryo Sac	5.087505	2.80594	7.36907
Pericarp and aleurone	1.30922	1.30922	1.30922
Coleoptile (5 day)	1.3266166666666666	1.15714	1.65424
Seedling	1.2597618695652173	0.291675	3.5741
Internode	2.4999508571428573	0.952306	4.76596
Sheath	1.363321	0.927622	1.79902
Shoot (apex)	7.2204544	2.45945	15.3446
Shoot	1.2939334166666667	0.605828	2.48345
Whole plant	2.6407629999999997	0.266582	4.64378
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	4.667815	4.14247	5.19316
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	2.80769	2.0554	3.28105
Apical meristem	5.52522	5.52522	5.52522
Stem and meristem	2.7575250000000002	2.02708	3.48797
Stems	1.85863875	1.02422	3.04163
Stem (Internode)	2.6415533333333334	1.79674	3.8509
Leaf	1.5399444342342343	0.0	7.3974
Leaf (apex)	3.9873700000000003	3.56209	4.41265
Leaf (bundle sheath)	0.611169	0.410179	0.812159
Leaf (mesophyll)	0.7109653333333333	0.535438	0.943923
Leaf (seedlings)	0.38621706666666666	0.0	1.08032
Leaf and kernel	0.459386	0.258028	0.802416
Ear (leaf)	2.27753	2.27753	2.27753
Root	3.6558414052083332	0.0	8.58189
Root (elongation zone)	0.878571	0.499569	1.43193
Root (meristematic zone)	2.8546300000000002	2.71737	2.99189
Root (stele)	4.9914974999999995	4.22162	5.98151
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	4.26921	4.26921	4.26921
Secondary root	2.08882	2.08882	2.08882
Root, root hairs removed	3.06362	3.06362	3.06362
Root (maturation zone)	2.69719	2.69719	2.69719