condition mean min max Egg cell 11.72783 5.98228 21.3722 Ovary 2.2154266666666667 1.62981 2.67117 Ovule 11.0294575 9.30019 13.2614 Microspore 6.183120199999999 0.857261 13.1182 Bicellular microspore 0.519455 0.519455 0.519455 Pollen (mature) 3.812237837837838 1.68786 8.82692 Pollen tube 1.67009 1.01465 1.96162 Sperm cell 6.475923428571428 0.739804 17.5494 Pollen tube 1.67009 1.01465 1.96162 Tassels (primordia) 8.9234075 7.78416 10.5621 Tassels (anther) 27.156031538461537 9.25791 56.7791 Tassels 19.13647625 1.84845 47.8216 Silk 6.7063950000000006 1.00279 12.41 Ear 6.0890734 0.737194 13.5173 Ear (immature) 5.354445 3.75339 7.34277 Ear (inflorescence) 4.756545 3.33845 6.17464 Ear (primordia) 8.784913333333334 1.95048 13.1678 Zygote (12 HAP) 42.40306666666667 36.4928 48.1759 Zygote (24 HAP) 20.105866666666667 15.9297 25.6323 Daughter cell (apical) 15.2265 11.3897 20.888 Daughter cell (basal) 9.10717 6.37141 10.4819 Embryo 9.191584444444445 2.95075 15.7607 Nucellus 18.44075 17.0279 19.8536 Endopserm 5.037297142857143 2.59018 9.11204 Kernel 9.017275833333333 5.03542 17.6959 Kernel (germinating) 7.11997 6.27938 7.96056 Seeds 10.609906363636364 2.40014 23.1136 Embryo Sac 18.310200000000002 12.4012 24.2192 Pericarp and aleurone 6.5037 6.5037 6.5037 Coleoptile (5 day) 6.70447 6.05277 7.08272 Seedling 13.080796086956521 3.61864 59.7808 Internode 7.80909 4.58842 11.9762 Sheath 16.2655 14.9801 17.5509 Shoot (apex) 9.982922 4.08265 36.2783 Shoot 3.9371241666666665 1.46892 6.2182 Whole plant 6.9725649999999995 4.45923 10.9757 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 2.599135 2.20697 2.9913 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 1.4439986666666667 0.843316 1.87075 Apical meristem 12.3464 12.3464 12.3464 Stem and meristem 8.447675 7.23623 9.65912 Stems 7.521185 4.31534 9.62314 Stem (Internode) 8.24457 7.17681 9.03989 Leaf 10.452913603603603 2.02692 96.5921 Leaf (apex) 4.5962 4.49796 4.69444 Leaf (bundle sheath) 3.20667 1.78499 4.62835 Leaf (mesophyll) 4.45077 3.91236 5.00005 Leaf (seedlings) 3.581424466666667 0.461477 8.06414 Leaf and kernel 3.700565 2.70068 5.20465 Ear (leaf) 6.28828 6.28828 6.28828 Root 8.292100729166666 2.87233 21.9434 Root (elongation zone) 4.24787 1.18518 7.98452 Root (meristematic zone) 6.69497 6.48117 6.90877 Root (stele) 19.11862 9.18168 25.9034 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 7.4993 7.4993 7.4993 Secondary root 2.49097 2.49097 2.49097 Root, root hairs removed 6.16171 6.16171 6.16171 Root (maturation zone) 2.5045 2.5045 2.5045