condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	0.8166223333333333	0.0	1.72995
Ovary	4.264733333333333	3.07544	5.8696
Ovule	13.6015325	4.84894	30.3004
Microspore	0.5711054	0.0	1.36095
Bicellular microspore	0.0120683	0.0120683	0.0120683
Pollen (mature)	0.04177938837837838	0.0	0.671171
Pollen tube	0.006648736666666667	0.0	0.0144035
Sperm cell	0.07544442857142858	0.0	0.305547
Pollen tube	0.006648736666666667	0.0	0.0144035
Tassels (primordia)	29.90755	19.0953	36.1991
Tassels (anther)	5.38428	2.10308	12.7649
Tassels	11.548195	2.11502	32.2008
Silk	4.91827	1.88766	7.94888
Ear	13.811660999999999	3.74193	33.6074
Ear (immature)	13.315183333333334	10.8248	15.3084
Ear (inflorescence)	13.50595	11.471	15.5409
Ear (primordia)	15.392848333333333	5.59779	20.6329
Zygote (12 HAP)	1.2195903333333333	0.53415	2.26715
Zygote (24 HAP)	0.23210599999999998	0.0	0.557827
Daughter cell (apical)	2.3509379999999998	0.751714	5.06401
Daughter cell (basal)	0.5187558	0.0702474	1.30195
Embryo	14.590815555555556	2.25941	31.5627
Nucellus	19.53965	19.0531	20.0262
Endopserm	1.6933373285714286	0.0818376	5.80686
Kernel	9.533024166666667	1.92874	30.3929
Kernel (germinating)	4.373525	1.86695	6.8801
Seeds	14.329592121212121	1.555	33.4554
Embryo Sac	14.089735000000001	8.35837	19.8211
Pericarp and aleurone	2.36572	2.36572	2.36572
Coleoptile (5 day)	8.985073333333334	7.19037	10.1026
Seedling	4.526663826086956	0.28656	9.63944
Internode	2.736269857142857	0.943749	7.30547
Sheath	12.34975	7.1503	17.5492
Shoot (apex)	22.87680336	5.12551	89.6074
Shoot	2.9685665833333332	0.868233	7.79966
Whole plant	6.9486225	5.41472	8.78892
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	16.41655	14.8098	18.0233
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	14.771766666666666	13.1597	16.9134
Apical meristem	22.4837	22.4837	22.4837
Stem and meristem	11.52875	10.9198	12.1377
Stems	6.71755625	1.49446	16.0566
Stem (Internode)	4.58607	2.17664	8.13034
Leaf	4.88068687027027	0.0433248	56.2868
Leaf (apex)	23.6002	21.7422	25.4582
Leaf (bundle sheath)	0.4705295	0.102716	0.838343
Leaf (mesophyll)	0.40271666666666667	0.209335	0.682361
Leaf (seedlings)	0.5698594733333333	0.0644341	1.04951
Leaf and kernel	0.33530116666666665	0.0	0.716691
Ear (leaf)	4.18717	4.18717	4.18717
Root	5.937337229166666	0.479547	14.578
Root (elongation zone)	9.16804	3.33463	16.8359
Root (meristematic zone)	5.58821	5.48461	5.69181
Root (stele)	15.6623725	5.76471	32.4783
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	5.86286	5.86286	5.86286
Secondary root	3.00217	3.00217	3.00217
Root, root hairs removed	7.20539	7.20539	7.20539
Root (maturation zone)	3.46194	3.46194	3.46194