condition mean min max Egg cell 10.671404666666668 0.552794 25.2737 Ovary 148.63766666666666 123.203 177.097 Ovule 247.237775 47.4431 635.405 Microspore 40.80057276 0.0920378 195.576 Bicellular microspore 0.074134 0.074134 0.074134 Pollen (mature) 2.810856081081081 0.0 8.35276 Pollen tube 18.287125 7.40835 30.2543 Sperm cell 34.64045742857143 0.171293 73.9044 Pollen tube 18.287125 7.40835 30.2543 Tassels (primordia) 1081.30775 956.471 1179.03 Tassels (anther) 516.6467692307692 120.589 1704.54 Tassels 603.0487 33.0786 1748.06 Silk 99.9997 15.2024 184.797 Ear 979.92042 86.5142 2008.04 Ear (immature) 3365.7916666666665 1978.81 4109.32 Ear (inflorescence) 1550.025 1216.03 1884.02 Ear (primordia) 989.7733333333333 322.869 1564.84 Zygote (12 HAP) 184.27259999999998 77.3428 359.265 Zygote (24 HAP) 302.719 211.28 360.351 Daughter cell (apical) 106.25363333333334 43.3177 215.304 Daughter cell (basal) 141.1062 67.8366 239.121 Embryo 448.1828222222222 21.5527 1974.74 Nucellus 2515.29 2284.98 2745.6 Endopserm 185.95172857142856 30.8534 493.364 Kernel 675.5129999999999 107.224 2172.91 Kernel (germinating) 215.76855 92.3211 339.216 Seeds 277.3938484848485 31.7078 896.773 Embryo Sac 143.7405 108.335 179.146 Pericarp and aleurone 137.941 137.941 137.941 Coleoptile (5 day) 89.3662 79.0429 106.647 Seedling 219.80431739130435 73.6391 745.903 Internode 198.3476 49.4971 620.568 Sheath 341.82 205.979 477.661 Shoot (apex) 471.0886 130.397 1219.42 Shoot 228.60725 143.932 393.659 Whole plant 506.8815 377.481 650.219 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 738.4325 547.408 929.457 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 753.9276666666667 680.768 799.14 Apical meristem 948.552 948.552 948.552 Stem and meristem 370.697 360.78 380.614 Stems 126.74712500000001 49.0555 202.287 Stem (Internode) 112.23266666666667 105.513 123.324 Leaf 184.7943183783784 4.54594 1460.6 Leaf (apex) 1017.3695 978.569 1056.17 Leaf (bundle sheath) 41.923100000000005 18.436 65.4102 Leaf (mesophyll) 24.949466666666666 15.9111 40.3311 Leaf (seedlings) 21.91418266666667 1.74027 71.2973 Leaf and kernel 399.0321666666667 319.208 541.089 Ear (leaf) 83.9043 83.9043 83.9043 Root 190.31763645833334 19.1558 1013.11 Root (elongation zone) 165.2378 69.0249 263.487 Root (meristematic zone) 179.27100000000002 148.451 210.091 Root (stele) 60.882125 23.9249 89.7227 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 129.103 129.103 129.103 Secondary root 254.01 254.01 254.01 Root, root hairs removed 180.58 180.58 180.58 Root (maturation zone) 408.863 408.863 408.863