condition mean min max Egg cell 8.087083333333334 1.13578 20.1489 Ovary 6.305373333333334 3.73251 7.95113 Ovule 7.26288 4.26248 11.0057 Microspore 3.33785658 0.0 8.41533 Bicellular microspore 0.68153 0.68153 0.68153 Pollen (mature) 1.593519837837838 0.134168 6.30436 Pollen tube 0.3251293333333333 0.268454 0.408202 Sperm cell 1.0560771428571427 0.135396 3.00214 Pollen tube 0.3251293333333333 0.268454 0.408202 Tassels (primordia) 70.699625 10.2051 105.885 Tassels (anther) 63.67309153846154 6.21809 108.36 Tassels 8.82565875 1.68322 22.1138 Silk 23.697795 0.62669 46.7689 Ear 17.943338 4.47137 104.518 Ear (immature) 43.80876666666667 36.5864 47.9231 Ear (inflorescence) 63.974999999999994 56.8436 71.1064 Ear (primordia) 25.262665 3.16976 62.8893 Zygote (12 HAP) 38.968133333333334 31.2673 45.9169 Zygote (24 HAP) 42.95113333333333 40.9776 45.7693 Daughter cell (apical) 14.810133333333335 11.3168 18.5086 Daughter cell (basal) 14.741033333333334 12.3285 16.1628 Embryo 31.02072 2.28594 100.129 Nucellus 47.389300000000006 40.4269 54.3517 Endopserm 9.318691857142857 0.185626 42.6639 Kernel 15.722240000000001 1.52389 47.926 Kernel (germinating) 22.22372 4.42034 40.0271 Seeds 8.710550181818181 0.928796 19.4431 Embryo Sac 10.624475 9.37775 11.8712 Pericarp and aleurone 0.95073 0.95073 0.95073 Coleoptile (5 day) 90.89133333333334 84.608 96.5904 Seedling 18.573920130434782 0.137305 66.4364 Internode 7.985694285714286 5.13295 8.90776 Sheath 6.864155 4.91444 8.81387 Shoot (apex) 73.98689808 6.31734 157.32 Shoot 4.2363965 0.928792 30.9319 Whole plant 18.88205 14.1243 27.4929 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 8.5464 7.0513 10.0415 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 21.441 14.818 34.3122 Apical meristem 9.17521 9.17521 9.17521 Stem and meristem 11.867 11.5888 12.1452 Stems 11.27261875 7.74369 17.3308 Stem (Internode) 7.0478233333333336 5.63361 8.84028 Leaf 6.4136620900900905 0.0 89.8516 Leaf (apex) 10.311215 7.93423 12.6882 Leaf (bundle sheath) 0.675914 0.214318 1.13751 Leaf (mesophyll) 0.3442203333333333 0.130606 0.543885 Leaf (seedlings) 1.4314265333333334 0.241191 3.44588 Leaf and kernel 1.303697 0.967202 1.88318 Ear (leaf) 0.458845 0.458845 0.458845 Root 20.422539020833334 0.471261 105.364 Root (elongation zone) 8.61438 4.78041 12.4959 Root (meristematic zone) 11.8873 11.6771 12.0975 Root (stele) 22.6046475 5.77509 68.3256 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 5.8735 5.8735 5.8735 Secondary root 2.76805 2.76805 2.76805 Root, root hairs removed 6.26753 6.26753 6.26753 Root (maturation zone) 5.53739 5.53739 5.53739