condition mean min max Egg cell 7.54048 3.80635 12.8537 Ovary 5.486493333333334 3.98139 6.55735 Ovule 31.042675 15.3501 54.3046 Microspore 5.085629 0.677825 8.78835 Bicellular microspore 0.613235 0.613235 0.613235 Pollen (mature) 0.49604484054054054 0.0880599 5.95508 Pollen tube 0.1763085 0.085837 0.251535 Sperm cell 1.6455212857142858 0.104958 4.12 Pollen tube 0.1763085 0.085837 0.251535 Tassels (primordia) 51.14835 42.1601 58.6107 Tassels (anther) 58.332438461538466 42.2898 71.352 Tassels 31.01916125 6.21429 59.1732 Silk 25.03565 13.6392 36.4321 Ear 43.13862 18.2701 80.1998 Ear (immature) 23.132166666666667 19.018 25.4748 Ear (inflorescence) 61.08075 53.6037 68.5578 Ear (primordia) 44.579708333333336 8.56595 61.6389 Zygote (12 HAP) 21.532666666666668 18.096 25.585 Zygote (24 HAP) 23.327366666666666 17.0755 27.1249 Daughter cell (apical) 16.3845 12.7832 19.5459 Daughter cell (basal) 11.406483333333332 7.51595 16.3008 Embryo 23.487817777777778 7.23146 43.1122 Nucellus 76.68504999999999 75.5115 77.8586 Endopserm 16.197634285714287 4.62587 28.6561 Kernel 30.424458333333334 16.0379 58.0242 Kernel (germinating) 24.07375 18.0735 30.074 Seeds 46.6345303030303 11.8448 78.9227 Embryo Sac 47.251400000000004 32.4632 62.0396 Pericarp and aleurone 14.5751 14.5751 14.5751 Coleoptile (5 day) 23.6936 20.1122 25.8893 Seedling 28.92952608695652 10.1535 50.386 Internode 44.51752857142857 34.5471 49.3304 Sheath 60.35865 57.113 63.6043 Shoot (apex) 39.2191408 19.3737 59.4775 Shoot 17.601 13.1295 30.8999 Whole plant 26.87965 14.3141 38.1077 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 23.33295 20.4101 26.2558 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 35.9868 35.2223 36.9467 Apical meristem 39.3617 39.3617 39.3617 Stem and meristem 40.46265 40.3107 40.6146 Stems 50.133575 38.7743 64.2559 Stem (Internode) 42.7004 38.6504 47.8185 Leaf 27.55863945945946 6.08887 70.4499 Leaf (apex) 35.752849999999995 32.3489 39.1568 Leaf (bundle sheath) 13.54618 8.68306 18.4093 Leaf (mesophyll) 15.545466666666666 14.4874 16.5276 Leaf (seedlings) 11.044887333333334 2.50887 21.3946 Leaf and kernel 19.815316666666668 17.9236 22.7838 Ear (leaf) 19.3879 19.3879 19.3879 Root 33.632744375 9.74196 52.9176 Root (elongation zone) 28.763925 16.9529 41.8288 Root (meristematic zone) 30.2621 29.1391 31.3851 Root (stele) 46.559 41.6115 50.1578 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 35.2765 35.2765 35.2765 Secondary root 23.3293 23.3293 23.3293 Root, root hairs removed 27.0861 27.0861 27.0861 Root (maturation zone) 15.0992 15.0992 15.0992