condition mean min max Egg cell 2174.3866666666668 1232.01 3597.78 Ovary 61.445233333333334 43.2094 74.7459 Ovule 341.522 270.032 526.272 Microspore 64.189692 9.91696 115.131 Bicellular microspore 2.28224 2.28224 2.28224 Pollen (mature) 14.59849081081081 1.7985 33.2475 Pollen tube 41.225516666666664 25.4063 55.069 Sperm cell 1411.231202857143 6.79672 3550.26 Pollen tube 41.225516666666664 25.4063 55.069 Tassels (primordia) 451.06425 404.765 468.623 Tassels (anther) 389.1886153846154 227.833 693.398 Tassels 235.98025 72.223 543.33 Silk 273.11115 92.7663 453.456 Ear 404.9896 144.163 529.039 Ear (immature) 345.5246666666667 289.416 444.469 Ear (inflorescence) 597.648 560.451 634.845 Ear (primordia) 330.67126666666667 77.1146 466.093 Zygote (12 HAP) 540.9923333333334 433.175 676.307 Zygote (24 HAP) 463.1526666666667 401.582 575.442 Daughter cell (apical) 359.18033333333335 323.904 424.498 Daughter cell (basal) 419.06166666666667 372.15 457.617 Embryo 387.6408222222222 48.2444 1178.78 Nucellus 562.989 512.01 613.968 Endopserm 196.5451857142857 47.6274 448.687 Kernel 315.46733333333333 161.353 465.043 Kernel (germinating) 465.73949999999996 411.193 520.286 Seeds 344.45957575757575 136.828 590.615 Embryo Sac 606.364 488.19 724.538 Pericarp and aleurone 125.929 125.929 125.929 Coleoptile (5 day) 184.74633333333333 136.593 236.271 Seedling 193.4580695652174 52.9665 437.498 Internode 291.93942857142855 240.268 427.752 Sheath 394.204 390.414 397.994 Shoot (apex) 421.280408 188.462 725.839 Shoot 256.47091666666665 127.681 393.434 Whole plant 139.61395 72.9958 222.779 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 539.4590000000001 448.749 630.169 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 278.4576666666667 245.306 335.384 Apical meristem 864.93 864.93 864.93 Stem and meristem 510.2585 477.201 543.316 Stems 344.70925 206.71 528.164 Stem (Internode) 248.64633333333333 230.819 276.497 Leaf 186.1371936936937 34.5362 817.405 Leaf (apex) 763.8354999999999 757.722 769.949 Leaf (bundle sheath) 126.31949999999999 112.207 140.432 Leaf (mesophyll) 86.49556666666666 80.3744 93.0501 Leaf (seedlings) 52.732706666666665 13.7249 142.318 Leaf and kernel 88.26038333333334 70.3584 119.489 Ear (leaf) 111.403 111.403 111.403 Root 391.0978125 148.554 692.675 Root (elongation zone) 392.429 292.657 470.558 Root (meristematic zone) 862.396 840.235 884.557 Root (stele) 449.21825 400.798 496.054 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 299.322 299.322 299.322 Secondary root 287.647 287.647 287.647 Root, root hairs removed 192.75 192.75 192.75 Root (maturation zone) 396.17 396.17 396.17