condition mean min max Egg cell 18.57626666666667 12.1285 27.2682 Ovary 2.1160566666666667 1.26875 2.93698 Ovule 18.53815 11.2342 28.4758 Microspore 42.129411999999995 0.52936 161.325 Bicellular microspore 1.48711 1.48711 1.48711 Pollen (mature) 2.3452426756756757 0.651902 7.25376 Pollen tube 2.2012066666666668 1.69782 2.63235 Sperm cell 16.125044285714285 2.74842 27.9856 Pollen tube 2.2012066666666668 1.69782 2.63235 Tassels (primordia) 24.668425 23.8488 25.2484 Tassels (anther) 21.105153846153847 14.153 36.8274 Tassels 24.80156 1.90318 41.0492 Silk 20.91948 6.49916 35.3398 Ear 23.495099 7.24849 46.1073 Ear (immature) 16.919116666666667 13.9585 19.1266 Ear (inflorescence) 10.176785 7.92377 12.4298 Ear (primordia) 21.968231666666668 4.15959 27.4762 Zygote (12 HAP) 48.2637 41.8016 53.0368 Zygote (24 HAP) 49.77706666666667 34.4472 62.7765 Daughter cell (apical) 22.0435 11.3445 35.6591 Daughter cell (basal) 28.460066666666666 25.2214 34.2981 Embryo 43.70395555555555 16.3956 82.2756 Nucellus 21.2091 20.0052 22.413 Endopserm 18.65591357142857 5.50655 38.678 Kernel 26.552375 12.6384 49.5354 Kernel (germinating) 45.10850000000001 37.5337 52.6833 Seeds 38.44397424242424 6.30245 75.3052 Embryo Sac 16.431615 8.57193 24.2913 Pericarp and aleurone 21.6899 21.6899 21.6899 Coleoptile (5 day) 33.777300000000004 31.5818 35.0961 Seedling 29.18546086956522 12.5262 48.7209 Internode 55.65262857142857 29.7163 78.7975 Sheath 37.90905 36.3189 39.4992 Shoot (apex) 29.1899624 10.7097 48.6369 Shoot 22.851641666666666 16.3665 35.6101 Whole plant 34.15705 24.8003 43.9389 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 14.24375 14.074 14.4135 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 22.941233333333333 21.2465 25.4223 Apical meristem 25.8969 25.8969 25.8969 Stem and meristem 39.730050000000006 38.8995 40.5606 Stems 51.396175 42.3936 61.299 Stem (Internode) 59.72966666666667 51.7479 65.422 Leaf 27.433150990990992 8.49114 99.3422 Leaf (apex) 19.660800000000002 16.5298 22.7918 Leaf (bundle sheath) 16.108125 9.58065 22.6356 Leaf (mesophyll) 13.5724 11.1413 15.4081 Leaf (seedlings) 10.101074 1.5244 20.3244 Leaf and kernel 15.002133333333333 13.2575 16.4131 Ear (leaf) 15.4936 15.4936 15.4936 Root 43.24470208333333 16.2475 72.8245 Root (elongation zone) 37.22425 15.8765 59.148 Root (meristematic zone) 37.325 35.1754 39.4746 Root (stele) 45.056525 37.5551 53.4917 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 44.8227 44.8227 44.8227 Secondary root 19.1219 19.1219 19.1219 Root, root hairs removed 37.8498 37.8498 37.8498 Root (maturation zone) 16.8347 16.8347 16.8347