condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	0.0	0.0	0.0
Ovary	0.0657904	0.0333793	0.0969094
Ovule	0.24224825	0.089513	0.563069
Microspore	0.37674054	0.0	0.897935
Bicellular microspore	0.125586	0.125586	0.125586
Pollen (mature)	0.028544356756756758	0.0	0.26083
Pollen tube	0.0298094	0.0128596	0.0588747
Sperm cell	0.21098137142857143	0.0	0.488735
Pollen tube	0.0298094	0.0128596	0.0588747
Tassels (primordia)	3.7583225	2.40249	4.93933
Tassels (anther)	1.1381671538461537	0.124954	2.21826
Tassels	1.9993637	0.0935116	5.64641
Silk	0.0919765	0.0	0.183953
Ear	9.1407317	0.38746	53.6942
Ear (immature)	1.5179716666666667	1.3385	1.61936
Ear (inflorescence)	1.316434	0.861748	1.77112
Ear (primordia)	2.360032	0.168612	3.9271
Zygote (12 HAP)	0.9941756666666667	0.079407	1.78774
Zygote (24 HAP)	0.7065333333333333	0.247058	1.31078
Daughter cell (apical)	1.8171066666666666	1.34627	2.29497
Daughter cell (basal)	1.2420956666666667	0.380417	1.67419
Embryo	0.4705433	0.0	1.76065
Nucellus	0.8845995	0.833512	0.935687
Endopserm	0.23437827857142857	0.0	1.1758
Kernel	0.2041279	0.0	0.614012
Kernel (germinating)	0.7927015000000001	0.140443	1.44496
Seeds	1.0153427909090909	0.0	15.1925
Embryo Sac	0.2019835	0.0	0.403967
Pericarp and aleurone	0.0	0.0	0.0
Coleoptile (5 day)	5.3086633333333335	4.72596	5.79668
Seedling	47.18896956521739	2.09602	136.476
Internode	5.199465857142857	0.671171	24.7676
Sheath	14.544995	4.90739	24.1826
Shoot (apex)	1.4327582392	0.0613039	5.23236
Shoot	17.676466666666666	12.4258	36.541
Whole plant	22.554299999999998	11.0517	35.7549
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	1.59792	1.43202	1.76382
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	5.114433333333333	4.30623	6.4213
Apical meristem	2.89127	2.89127	2.89127
Stem and meristem	2.751315	1.92764	3.57499
Stems	2.57035875	1.71173	3.74646
Stem (Internode)	2.1157966666666668	1.67418	2.54028
Leaf	63.531359648648646	0.175188	295.046
Leaf (apex)	4.488335	2.65974	6.31693
Leaf (bundle sheath)	78.06524999999999	72.069	84.0615
Leaf (mesophyll)	126.8602	71.6456	178.905
Leaf (seedlings)	63.973955333333336	3.72026	216.18
Leaf and kernel	38.53216666666667	26.1235	57.3811
Ear (leaf)	27.2254	27.2254	27.2254
Root	0.31366114791666666	0.0	1.59734
Root (elongation zone)	0.02234915	0.0	0.0893966
Root (meristematic zone)	0.6515875	0.515684	0.787491
Root (stele)	0.81772075	0.380882	1.72251
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	0.384535	0.384535	0.384535
Secondary root	0.108662	0.108662	0.108662
Root, root hairs removed	0.315046	0.315046	0.315046
Root (maturation zone)	0.173201	0.173201	0.173201