condition mean min max Egg cell 6.896753333333334 3.76174 8.73619 Ovary 1.8968833333333333 1.36645 2.1866 Ovule 5.8197275 4.3507 8.73296 Microspore 7.096046 1.20352 14.1533 Bicellular microspore 1.07711 1.07711 1.07711 Pollen (mature) 2.636167324324324 0.217507 9.6211 Pollen tube 18.605283333333333 11.6666 28.5794 Sperm cell 83.77744142857142 5.67439 161.894 Pollen tube 18.605283333333333 11.6666 28.5794 Tassels (primordia) 10.4627525 7.46951 13.0442 Tassels (anther) 33.22207384615385 5.85031 65.145 Tassels 11.95345375 4.16644 22.3528 Silk 6.2974 1.6692 10.9256 Ear 7.197777 3.24455 25.1512 Ear (immature) 7.11457 6.39222 7.51807 Ear (inflorescence) 5.32366 3.6283 7.01902 Ear (primordia) 14.349766666666667 7.01379 27.8542 Zygote (12 HAP) 15.011833333333334 12.8038 16.3995 Zygote (24 HAP) 12.240966666666667 10.1003 13.678 Daughter cell (apical) 4.405616666666667 3.72387 5.66437 Daughter cell (basal) 5.946733333333333 4.46379 8.53748 Embryo 11.100944444444444 5.20906 16.3127 Nucellus 9.680879999999998 9.49641 9.86535 Endopserm 10.348858571428572 2.94309 30.3958 Kernel 11.013254166666666 7.95782 13.7473 Kernel (germinating) 12.049050000000001 11.1219 12.9762 Seeds 11.833644848484848 4.33011 19.6398 Embryo Sac 10.68557 7.01604 14.3551 Pericarp and aleurone 3.15039 3.15039 3.15039 Coleoptile (5 day) 16.047833333333333 14.828 16.9865 Seedling 6.056754782608696 2.58278 11.5278 Internode 10.941871428571428 9.3315 13.3858 Sheath 16.5685 15.9004 17.2366 Shoot (apex) 16.39819304 6.57034 31.1431 Shoot 6.088429166666667 4.16164 9.5123 Whole plant 6.64782 6.19429 7.02338 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 3.97821 3.645 4.31142 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 6.84035 4.55072 9.85998 Apical meristem 7.55375 7.55375 7.55375 Stem and meristem 13.37225 12.8372 13.9073 Stems 11.14668375 9.3332 14.4888 Stem (Internode) 11.350166666666667 10.518 12.8055 Leaf 7.6299058558558555 1.21972 25.4226 Leaf (apex) 8.11269 7.63319 8.59219 Leaf (bundle sheath) 6.446795 5.17252 7.72107 Leaf (mesophyll) 2.94542 2.5823 3.66875 Leaf (seedlings) 3.3702426666666665 1.05996 6.23368 Leaf and kernel 3.1878416666666665 2.44135 4.30119 Ear (leaf) 6.64946 6.64946 6.64946 Root 8.375507916666667 3.68109 14.3934 Root (elongation zone) 8.76178 5.68046 11.7711 Root (meristematic zone) 12.573599999999999 12.4388 12.7084 Root (stele) 12.144625 11.1236 12.6871 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 8.24513 8.24513 8.24513 Secondary root 7.51786 7.51786 7.51786 Root, root hairs removed 11.6729 11.6729 11.6729 Root (maturation zone) 7.36805 7.36805 7.36805