condition mean min max Egg cell 69.4161 41.0951 120.25 Ovary 14.302166666666666 10.5452 17.2542 Ovule 29.890275 12.0108 76.5556 Microspore 9.476892600000001 0.757223 16.7723 Bicellular microspore 1.67625 1.67625 1.67625 Pollen (mature) 2.6941256756756755 0.89412 4.48924 Pollen tube 7.0754616666666665 4.54091 11.5644 Sperm cell 52.22327857142857 6.27625 118.138 Pollen tube 7.0754616666666665 4.54091 11.5644 Tassels (primordia) 95.3897 77.3587 108.082 Tassels (anther) 68.99790769230769 60.5218 78.2279 Tassels 48.799975 13.2537 89.2128 Silk 17.167994999999998 8.21239 26.1236 Ear 67.72119 29.02 153.002 Ear (immature) 46.366883333333334 37.097 52.8925 Ear (inflorescence) 67.3753 58.0344 76.7162 Ear (primordia) 80.01335 24.7334 101.317 Zygote (12 HAP) 95.75883333333333 71.5415 115.337 Zygote (24 HAP) 124.38966666666667 105.754 141.73 Daughter cell (apical) 38.75556666666667 33.9668 42.5355 Daughter cell (basal) 33.607033333333334 26.096 40.1911 Embryo 69.384 32.2912 108.7 Nucellus 130.751 127.404 134.098 Endopserm 32.22380785714286 6.49011 79.8656 Kernel 55.77108333333334 27.6378 101.104 Kernel (germinating) 58.21795 49.1802 67.2557 Seeds 68.56922727272728 22.4005 110.389 Embryo Sac 21.083199999999998 16.6803 25.4861 Pericarp and aleurone 15.4997 15.4997 15.4997 Coleoptile (5 day) 50.05383333333334 43.4331 55.5412 Seedling 40.95713913043478 14.9362 87.2611 Internode 78.88401428571429 48.0666 99.5228 Sheath 88.089 78.4554 97.7226 Shoot (apex) 56.9663248 18.5393 90.371 Shoot 24.37175 16.2752 53.1697 Whole plant 47.138525 40.8773 59.4351 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 24.36625 23.5439 25.1886 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 16.744833333333332 13.9222 18.8468 Apical meristem 69.259 69.259 69.259 Stem and meristem 68.18635 68.0398 68.3329 Stems 81.2284625 74.397 99.3655 Stem (Internode) 73.9782 71.622 76.807 Leaf 44.88300009009009 9.53011 154.976 Leaf (apex) 59.601749999999996 57.5428 61.6607 Leaf (bundle sheath) 21.10145 15.6839 26.519 Leaf (mesophyll) 23.8446 18.5846 30.5407 Leaf (seedlings) 15.055877333333333 3.61988 35.6391 Leaf and kernel 32.91061666666667 29.6885 36.125 Ear (leaf) 27.614 27.614 27.614 Root 46.665578125 15.9189 72.7586 Root (elongation zone) 40.730575 16.9534 63.0734 Root (meristematic zone) 66.1152 65.5128 66.7176 Root (stele) 56.80775 55.2738 58.2477 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 54.1827 54.1827 54.1827 Secondary root 36.6277 36.6277 36.6277 Root, root hairs removed 46.1604 46.1604 46.1604 Root (maturation zone) 35.6685 35.6685 35.6685