condition mean min max Egg cell 10.767803333333333 6.85941 13.137 Ovary 3.1887733333333332 2.44755 3.71059 Ovule 15.2783425 5.182 35.7762 Microspore 6.8113776 0.337428 15.432 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.2543352351351351 0.0 1.02499 Pollen tube 0.034836599999999995 0.0 0.111897 Sperm cell 0.029057857142857142 0.0 0.203405 Pollen tube 0.034836599999999995 0.0 0.111897 Tassels (primordia) 44.986475 34.6628 51.0402 Tassels (anther) 26.410446153846152 15.3933 35.7957 Tassels 21.2416675 7.00529 39.8486 Silk 37.470315 7.03303 67.9076 Ear 35.699921 8.70781 74.4164 Ear (immature) 30.856450000000002 24.8653 33.3604 Ear (inflorescence) 25.28835 17.7368 32.8399 Ear (primordia) 58.690466666666666 13.0524 114.312 Zygote (12 HAP) 13.65784 8.35572 21.8779 Zygote (24 HAP) 8.610513333333333 4.78854 10.6935 Daughter cell (apical) 29.226633333333332 23.801 33.2688 Daughter cell (basal) 26.097933333333334 21.4266 34.2069 Embryo 41.08045555555556 16.8832 90.4379 Nucellus 34.8912 31.3595 38.4229 Endopserm 15.994530714285714 4.4924 29.2953 Kernel 22.525683333333333 15.1503 29.162 Kernel (germinating) 36.08565 30.0045 42.1668 Seeds 37.402310303030305 8.50604 67.0066 Embryo Sac 22.5372 19.1663 25.9081 Pericarp and aleurone 10.8638 10.8638 10.8638 Coleoptile (5 day) 48.771766666666664 37.7442 55.5036 Seedling 28.92095304347826 8.56272 78.2658 Internode 53.682071428571426 14.6429 65.857 Sheath 38.05415 32.5373 43.571 Shoot (apex) 41.8176952 22.5781 55.3656 Shoot 15.097165833333333 8.40969 24.379 Whole plant 39.339475 32.5848 42.0184 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 21.1552 17.4711 24.8393 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 22.664666666666665 20.3795 24.828 Apical meristem 35.6921 35.6921 35.6921 Stem and meristem 39.97645 38.0468 41.9061 Stems 55.8798 41.5097 68.6662 Stem (Internode) 60.30186666666667 56.1024 63.1193 Leaf 22.689756396396398 3.89639 47.4996 Leaf (apex) 33.243399999999994 30.3985 36.0883 Leaf (bundle sheath) 17.157899999999998 13.0886 21.2272 Leaf (mesophyll) 17.660433333333334 16.5499 18.4827 Leaf (seedlings) 8.295301333333333 2.286 15.7917 Leaf and kernel 8.685483333333334 7.50348 10.5749 Ear (leaf) 12.4064 12.4064 12.4064 Root 33.814729479166665 8.68472 56.192 Root (elongation zone) 35.36495 11.4364 60.2122 Root (meristematic zone) 40.00279999999999 39.9481 40.0575 Root (stele) 45.148075 41.8324 48.7453 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 25.7662 25.7662 25.7662 Secondary root 7.7182 7.7182 7.7182 Root, root hairs removed 27.2726 27.2726 27.2726 Root (maturation zone) 14.4168 14.4168 14.4168