condition mean min max Egg cell 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ovary 0.267976 0.200103 0.384395 Ovule 0.5923695 0.0 1.7711 Microspore 0.014020260000000001 0.0 0.0701013 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.03733422162162162 0.0 0.299456 Pollen tube 0.04659526666666667 0.018182 0.102769 Sperm cell 0.08473585714285714 0.0 0.443684 Pollen tube 0.04659526666666667 0.018182 0.102769 Tassels (primordia) 4.077545000000001 2.15532 5.77958 Tassels (anther) 1.8558406153846154 0.471587 4.37328 Tassels 1.09195525 0.0 3.15331 Silk 0.344971 0.0 0.689942 Ear 1.2883894 0.340657 3.39123 Ear (immature) 0.38334633333333334 0.0 0.845721 Ear (inflorescence) 1.072204 0.804288 1.34012 Ear (primordia) 1.9440998333333332 0.26648 3.33901 Zygote (12 HAP) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Zygote (24 HAP) 0.036483 0.0 0.109449 Daughter cell (apical) 0.229553 0.107392 0.299489 Daughter cell (basal) 0.06908746666666667 0.0 0.111091 Embryo 1.187900888888889 0.376926 2.75581 Nucellus 4.115349999999999 1.67382 6.55688 Endopserm 1.2036299285714285 0.0 2.65114 Kernel 1.1515230833333334 0.0 3.14403 Kernel (germinating) 2.54017 2.34951 2.73083 Seeds 1.2909144545454545 0.404612 2.41459 Embryo Sac 0.170829 0.0 0.341658 Pericarp and aleurone 2.06662 2.06662 2.06662 Coleoptile (5 day) 0.326604 0.295388 0.362784 Seedling 1.2742406521739131 0.266744 3.40917 Internode 1.863090857142857 0.0 3.31112 Sheath 1.267765 1.25842 1.27711 Shoot (apex) 2.085170088 0.141789 5.92054 Shoot 1.25087475 0.171137 3.18135 Whole plant 1.143754 0.205566 1.88739 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 1.9492950000000002 1.07387 2.82472 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Apical meristem 2.05286 2.05286 2.05286 Stem and meristem 1.239704 0.388778 2.09063 Stems 1.6277062500000001 0.207256 2.75911 Stem (Internode) 1.5797003333333333 0.807131 2.62385 Leaf 1.0439645801801802 0.0 4.69245 Leaf (apex) 1.34793 1.09305 1.60281 Leaf (bundle sheath) 0.59631 0.0 1.19262 Leaf (mesophyll) 0.36020966666666665 0.0 0.726936 Leaf (seedlings) 0.3805940666666667 0.0 1.65693 Leaf and kernel 0.8724751666666667 0.0 1.60876 Ear (leaf) 0.732169 0.732169 0.732169 Root 1.5877369479166668 0.0 6.45495 Root (elongation zone) 0.76879225 0.539044 1.04039 Root (meristematic zone) 1.077655 1.05739 1.09792 Root (stele) 3.31969 3.08317 3.63459 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 2.35309 2.35309 2.35309 Secondary root 0.111202 0.111202 0.111202 Root, root hairs removed 1.73724 1.73724 1.73724 Root (maturation zone) 0.942958 0.942958 0.942958