condition mean min max Egg cell 99.5864 39.8492 156.103 Ovary 32.719833333333334 23.4433 40.1576 Ovule 385.56525 209.551 669.203 Microspore 97.480876 1.38528 444.005 Bicellular microspore 2.18202 2.18202 2.18202 Pollen (mature) 1.4729201621621621 0.0 4.63095 Pollen tube 1.1731171666666667 0.6981 1.72524 Sperm cell 7.213582428571429 0.0 17.128 Pollen tube 1.1731171666666667 0.6981 1.72524 Tassels (primordia) 176.42725000000002 159.539 201.483 Tassels (anther) 153.67461538461538 107.916 242.154 Tassels 103.6849375 26.4629 223.661 Silk 143.1153 63.9226 222.308 Ear 222.64777 84.9039 389.641 Ear (immature) 118.07033333333334 111.72 128.533 Ear (inflorescence) 325.8345 301.56 350.109 Ear (primordia) 162.22341666666668 42.0995 196.995 Zygote (12 HAP) 77.9519 59.9074 102.817 Zygote (24 HAP) 139.034 122.029 152.842 Daughter cell (apical) 216.195 186.775 250.085 Daughter cell (basal) 227.272 210.196 240.873 Embryo 258.75805555555553 31.0725 508.533 Nucellus 183.5955 173.658 193.533 Endopserm 119.83851428571428 33.6783 260.059 Kernel 163.620875 96.6755 215.458 Kernel (germinating) 125.38499999999999 106.11 144.66 Seeds 201.03597272727274 83.3871 312.495 Embryo Sac 628.2005 500.545 755.856 Pericarp and aleurone 47.9889 47.9889 47.9889 Coleoptile (5 day) 234.24266666666668 225.946 246.764 Seedling 112.6054304347826 42.1841 215.232 Internode 179.66771428571428 135.596 254.431 Sheath 307.55150000000003 303.327 311.776 Shoot (apex) 133.2243616 16.3027 377.452 Shoot 141.310375 25.7852 203.399 Whole plant 103.759525 72.0337 133.832 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 272.3155 250.217 294.414 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 355.6306666666667 321.871 397.524 Apical meristem 254.689 254.689 254.689 Stem and meristem 216.6685 211.25 222.087 Stems 230.547 159.75 342.275 Stem (Internode) 168.65533333333332 133.637 192.665 Leaf 74.91102099099099 8.22543 342.789 Leaf (apex) 244.3865 238.231 250.542 Leaf (bundle sheath) 90.67895 36.7679 144.59 Leaf (mesophyll) 66.72483333333334 37.5362 118.797 Leaf (seedlings) 15.1326908 0.813362 41.4056 Leaf and kernel 57.402499999999996 45.865 78.4202 Ear (leaf) 32.276 32.276 32.276 Root 133.48199895833332 46.8248 244.538 Root (elongation zone) 146.57125000000002 136.294 155.529 Root (meristematic zone) 259.26750000000004 253.524 265.011 Root (stele) 117.7685 101.154 153.642 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 134.004 134.004 134.004 Secondary root 170.776 170.776 170.776 Root, root hairs removed 118.932 118.932 118.932 Root (maturation zone) 223.236 223.236 223.236