condition mean min max Egg cell 11.852443333333333 7.94433 14.4528 Ovary 0.22923733333333332 0.154905 0.314616 Ovule 1.39679 1.24037 1.63683 Microspore 5.6895392 0.455306 16.1097 Bicellular microspore 1.39199 1.39199 1.39199 Pollen (mature) 2.4995613783783783 0.277479 5.51314 Pollen tube 13.996451666666667 8.60161 22.0782 Sperm cell 182.22375714285715 46.8758 349.456 Pollen tube 13.996451666666667 8.60161 22.0782 Tassels (primordia) 8.90334 7.96033 10.5441 Tassels (anther) 3.4436276923076923 1.28414 7.98243 Tassels 2.14548 1.27869 5.1367 Silk 0.44237725 0.0809445 0.80381 Ear 2.12895653 0.0435393 5.34614 Ear (immature) 4.367153333333333 2.96977 5.28882 Ear (inflorescence) 2.662055 1.85622 3.46789 Ear (primordia) 8.201371666666667 3.05494 10.1319 Zygote (12 HAP) 44.34363333333333 38.995 53.4203 Zygote (24 HAP) 23.76 20.2982 26.3389 Daughter cell (apical) 50.4744 46.7184 55.5998 Daughter cell (basal) 28.013933333333334 21.5392 36.4965 Embryo 3.7407447777777776 0.683933 8.62473 Nucellus 1.8007399999999998 1.20813 2.39335 Endopserm 6.567462142857143 1.86054 19.0641 Kernel 5.9846855833333334 0.325567 11.2973 Kernel (germinating) 1.347696 0.937992 1.7574 Seeds 3.033314303030303 0.121742 10.0832 Embryo Sac 1.108873 0.611536 1.60621 Pericarp and aleurone 1.08659 1.08659 1.08659 Coleoptile (5 day) 1.73091 1.35164 2.05887 Seedling 0.5342362217391304 0.0843361 1.87263 Internode 0.9896787142857143 0.554454 1.53604 Sheath 1.1303965 0.883783 1.37701 Shoot (apex) 2.5368858 0.264911 7.44533 Shoot 0.36412530833333334 0.0 1.12697 Whole plant 0.5462315 0.255438 1.00721 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 2.104205 1.92159 2.28682 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 7.5203066666666665 6.4908 8.96157 Apical meristem 10.5564 10.5564 10.5564 Stem and meristem 4.0955449999999995 4.08226 4.10883 Stems 1.36600025 0.940561 2.27852 Stem (Internode) 0.7474656666666667 0.545782 1.00825 Leaf 1.2709487630630631 0.0 24.3175 Leaf (apex) 6.762919999999999 4.15388 9.37196 Leaf (bundle sheath) 0.1947136 0.0405042 0.348923 Leaf (mesophyll) 0.15556266666666665 0.120332 0.185733 Leaf (seedlings) 0.0711899 0.0 0.246051 Leaf and kernel 0.03504698333333334 0.0 0.0591942 Ear (leaf) 0.179348 0.179348 0.179348 Root 1.4748366354166667 0.274305 7.32356 Root (elongation zone) 0.33070275 0.10513 0.476317 Root (meristematic zone) 2.704515 2.55015 2.85888 Root (stele) 1.992415 1.35585 2.48164 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 2.90976 2.90976 2.90976 Secondary root 1.12721 1.12721 1.12721 Root, root hairs removed 1.45051 1.45051 1.45051 Root (maturation zone) 2.31848 2.31848 2.31848