condition mean min max Egg cell 163.11633333333333 118.384 230.556 Ovary 8.95003 6.24558 10.6807 Ovule 145.138125 90.3728 238.528 Microspore 14.1022282 0.981441 25.0668 Bicellular microspore 0.408225 0.408225 0.408225 Pollen (mature) 0.6029317945945946 0.0 10.0042 Pollen tube 0.25783333333333336 0.17662 0.322753 Sperm cell 10.76306 1.43451 21.1673 Pollen tube 0.25783333333333336 0.17662 0.322753 Tassels (primordia) 228.0485 200.349 264.311 Tassels (anther) 136.9396923076923 89.6721 203.468 Tassels 99.1994625 11.0853 227.99 Silk 83.22534999999999 49.2787 117.172 Ear 155.14757 41.9234 293.125 Ear (immature) 81.74951666666666 65.9471 95.1398 Ear (inflorescence) 157.3245 126.278 188.371 Ear (primordia) 165.90598333333332 13.3059 203.261 Zygote (12 HAP) 69.92033333333333 60.805 85.4085 Zygote (24 HAP) 102.2412 84.0634 126.543 Daughter cell (apical) 377.783 300.611 452.842 Daughter cell (basal) 328.51366666666667 257.865 386.978 Embryo 165.84372222222223 54.0634 266.746 Nucellus 173.54149999999998 169.182 177.901 Endopserm 66.505765 7.88411 157.921 Kernel 133.02020833333333 57.8702 193.983 Kernel (germinating) 171.33800000000002 139.549 203.127 Seeds 165.7102090909091 30.9447 266.459 Embryo Sac 149.89499999999998 139.69 160.1 Pericarp and aleurone 53.1393 53.1393 53.1393 Coleoptile (5 day) 125.222 102.25 141.981 Seedling 114.75477391304348 31.6954 170.818 Internode 193.92128571428572 125.655 220.912 Sheath 178.41199999999998 178.297 178.527 Shoot (apex) 139.7441392 45.2346 220.286 Shoot 68.52054166666667 36.594 132.71 Whole plant 92.439325 57.5421 121.282 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 62.69385 49.6534 75.7343 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 71.16929999999999 53.9354 91.9524 Apical meristem 176.867 176.867 176.867 Stem and meristem 198.93650000000002 191.032 206.841 Stems 217.258875 173.729 267.409 Stem (Internode) 195.27233333333334 191.223 199.593 Leaf 94.76065225225226 17.7298 219.525 Leaf (apex) 153.07999999999998 137.96 168.2 Leaf (bundle sheath) 52.00515 28.2502 75.7601 Leaf (mesophyll) 48.98576666666666 36.8309 59.394 Leaf (seedlings) 42.70240533333333 9.88898 82.809 Leaf and kernel 68.48004999999999 49.7221 88.7803 Ear (leaf) 66.553 66.553 66.553 Root 190.48549895833332 37.6768 286.621 Root (elongation zone) 191.88735 76.9121 305.28 Root (meristematic zone) 215.147 207.599 222.695 Root (stele) 242.15275000000003 208.574 277.329 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 180.326 180.326 180.326 Secondary root 111.267 111.267 111.267 Root, root hairs removed 163.336 163.336 163.336 Root (maturation zone) 73.0176 73.0176 73.0176