condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	14.770733333333332	11.5322	20.2667
Ovary	1.1100453333333333	0.642576	1.41803
Ovule	20.329124999999998	10.6144	36.6996
Microspore	17.696564	2.17551	47.995
Bicellular microspore	1.44449	1.44449	1.44449
Pollen (mature)	0.14964612432432434	0.0	1.00404
Pollen tube	0.011878893333333333	0.0	0.0201905
Sperm cell	0.11609344285714285	0.0	0.656778
Pollen tube	0.011878893333333333	0.0	0.0201905
Tassels (primordia)	40.68665	24.8322	61.2573
Tassels (anther)	31.545046153846155	21.169	47.4413
Tassels	19.81675875	5.84942	36.7457
Silk	11.5356535	0.661107	22.4102
Ear	24.021261	2.96637	59.7253
Ear (immature)	14.407211666666667	8.15747	16.6039
Ear (inflorescence)	17.073999999999998	10.4875	23.6605
Ear (primordia)	71.1787	14.8295	135.648
Zygote (12 HAP)	18.07293333333333	12.2547	25.7655
Zygote (24 HAP)	23.4373	21.9473	24.7968
Daughter cell (apical)	57.47616666666667	49.8962	70.6234
Daughter cell (basal)	42.96446666666667	38.3932	47.1545
Embryo	50.27368888888889	18.7286	83.1683
Nucellus	38.2085	37.911	38.506
Endopserm	18.821050714285715	3.56902	51.0403
Kernel	23.766525	11.9657	35.2978
Kernel (germinating)	21.44225	17.9962	24.8883
Seeds	32.455650909090906	3.98526	61.0167
Embryo Sac	20.4786	17.5173	23.4399
Pericarp and aleurone	9.34059	9.34059	9.34059
Coleoptile (5 day)	29.082733333333334	27.3109	31.4929
Seedling	15.244452608695653	4.54119	40.3483
Internode	32.234314285714284	19.5723	36.3875
Sheath	28.9983	23.1118	34.8848
Shoot (apex)	21.81893568	6.93083	57.7694
Shoot	13.2136175	7.57724	30.0689
Whole plant	20.296325	16.1388	24.6212
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	13.3108	13.0975	13.5241
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	27.891033333333333	18.1227	35.0564
Apical meristem	45.468	45.468	45.468
Stem and meristem	48.866249999999994	48.0913	49.6412
Stems	35.809675	31.2708	45.798
Stem (Internode)	35.17133333333334	33.0536	38.8308
Leaf	14.33536545045045	0.3271	64.0923
Leaf (apex)	61.540800000000004	50.9369	72.1447
Leaf (bundle sheath)	8.891665	4.73263	13.0507
Leaf (mesophyll)	9.906316666666667	7.89625	11.3755
Leaf (seedlings)	3.4908101333333335	0.974432	6.86246
Leaf and kernel	5.2743899999999995	3.63735	9.38586
Ear (leaf)	11.545	11.545	11.545
Root	23.954839166666666	1.71687	64.0616
Root (elongation zone)	11.416107499999999	4.49987	17.6084
Root (meristematic zone)	60.0917	57.1055	63.0779
Root (stele)	27.88165	25.503	30.4281
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	26.4982	26.4982	26.4982
Secondary root	15.4368	15.4368	15.4368
Root, root hairs removed	31.33	31.33	31.33
Root (maturation zone)	35.9469	35.9469	35.9469