condition mean min max Egg cell 292.2146666666667 162.964 366.029 Ovary 14.894366666666667 10.7645 17.409 Ovule 278.6995 133.43 402.523 Microspore 161.505246 5.49753 308.988 Bicellular microspore 8.22935 8.22935 8.22935 Pollen (mature) 2.2736625135135133 0.258481 28.4692 Pollen tube 0.6604911666666666 0.505299 0.82791 Sperm cell 23.78911 1.938 48.0608 Pollen tube 0.6604911666666666 0.505299 0.82791 Tassels (primordia) 259.9165 220.969 299.62 Tassels (anther) 142.67673076923077 95.4445 196.682 Tassels 88.236325 29.2243 207.699 Silk 45.244150000000005 28.1036 62.3847 Ear 132.80132 48.6386 227.916 Ear (immature) 128.84218333333334 98.2201 145.547 Ear (inflorescence) 117.51899999999999 99.582 135.456 Ear (primordia) 201.99581666666666 30.9449 280.986 Zygote (12 HAP) 113.92206666666667 93.1222 132.692 Zygote (24 HAP) 171.833 166.157 178.561 Daughter cell (apical) 540.349 411.999 610.251 Daughter cell (basal) 480.7676666666666 382.183 559.627 Embryo 173.29406666666668 65.2576 267.088 Nucellus 138.2835 134.424 142.143 Endopserm 67.04509285714286 11.7088 192.872 Kernel 119.64170833333333 44.9313 210.695 Kernel (germinating) 128.8494 99.3328 158.366 Seeds 141.05775151515152 21.1272 261.542 Embryo Sac 258.34499999999997 155.201 361.489 Pericarp and aleurone 19.5414 19.5414 19.5414 Coleoptile (5 day) 113.58366666666667 105.811 118.655 Seedling 49.06367130434783 8.98874 128.783 Internode 136.30814285714285 120.157 153.07 Sheath 92.1916 86.7748 97.6084 Shoot (apex) 112.1945536 53.36 264.614 Shoot 51.25685 19.2787 113.599 Whole plant 54.790350000000004 43.7353 66.2303 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 72.46209999999999 68.8696 76.0546 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 301.447 287.234 323.613 Apical meristem 226.824 226.824 226.824 Stem and meristem 231.3235 226.146 236.501 Stems 199.80712499999998 119.415 319.946 Stem (Internode) 122.33566666666667 117.698 128.25 Leaf 49.54845846846847 4.93441 318.583 Leaf (apex) 243.431 207.19 279.672 Leaf (bundle sheath) 19.44495 12.1124 26.7775 Leaf (mesophyll) 16.10602666666667 8.26688 20.277 Leaf (seedlings) 7.178594666666666 1.80414 11.3416 Leaf and kernel 10.473288333333333 5.40937 23.3904 Ear (leaf) 18.1613 18.1613 18.1613 Root 121.85884791666666 21.7925 312.759 Root (elongation zone) 132.09890000000001 94.1046 185.34 Root (meristematic zone) 399.39099999999996 383.113 415.669 Root (stele) 99.42542499999999 81.0172 117.341 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 159.696 159.696 159.696 Secondary root 150.171 150.171 150.171 Root, root hairs removed 155.944 155.944 155.944 Root (maturation zone) 241.951 241.951 241.951