condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	0.076643	0.0	0.229929
Ovary	5.627003333333334	3.63614	7.00388
Ovule	7.3556825	2.38502	16.2057
Microspore	0.9964426000000001	0.104131	2.18379
Bicellular microspore	0.223665	0.223665	0.223665
Pollen (mature)	0.11231148162162162	0.0	0.415118
Pollen tube	0.050091866666666665	0.032065	0.0649723
Sperm cell	0.5176807285714286	0.0819371	1.11357
Pollen tube	0.050091866666666665	0.032065	0.0649723
Tassels (primordia)	18.147675	16.581	19.4545
Tassels (anther)	18.933184615384615	11.6009	38.4013
Tassels	26.260326250000002	2.07032	63.2248
Silk	37.149715	2.15213	72.1473
Ear	11.924919000000001	1.67068	44.9823
Ear (immature)	5.918301666666666	3.17449	7.47038
Ear (inflorescence)	7.163375	4.98619	9.34056
Ear (primordia)	10.936261666666667	6.02997	13.3607
Zygote (12 HAP)	2.481676666666667	2.26955	2.80831
Zygote (24 HAP)	2.1737126666666664	0.106708	4.27187
Daughter cell (apical)	8.051056666666666	1.67614	17.2141
Daughter cell (basal)	1.9428146666666666	0.413364	4.21336
Embryo	20.99024888888889	1.18797	45.4838
Nucellus	32.4352	30.3605	34.5099
Endopserm	6.914242857142857	1.51358	33.8154
Kernel	21.972385	7.8178	49.3552
Kernel (germinating)	65.4808	27.3246	103.637
Seeds	32.57141878787879	4.96616	76.0452
Embryo Sac	17.037595	7.87349	26.2017
Pericarp and aleurone	38.0623	38.0623	38.0623
Coleoptile (5 day)	55.117866666666664	41.6276	63.2153
Seedling	40.388838695652176	9.32389	84.5602
Internode	26.809742857142858	10.7654	49.4764
Sheath	39.1287	34.4239	43.8335
Shoot (apex)	60.2175	10.8859	226.264
Shoot	30.760491666666667	20.3213	65.4829
Whole plant	40.847375	32.3497	45.2896
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	7.14057	6.68708	7.59406
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	2.6027	2.4515	2.88017
Apical meristem	11.3283	11.3283	11.3283
Stem and meristem	46.3193	42.6121	50.0265
Stems	18.8390625	10.7421	30.626
Stem (Internode)	26.934733333333334	17.1866	41.6846
Leaf	23.39942108108108	2.774	92.8088
Leaf (apex)	12.566405	8.90931	16.2235
Leaf (bundle sheath)	18.996354999999998	5.00091	32.9918
Leaf (mesophyll)	20.404833333333332	15.933	24.7925
Leaf (seedlings)	17.673950266666665	0.742414	56.0295
Leaf and kernel	14.025916666666667	13.1827	15.2331
Ear (leaf)	5.75324	5.75324	5.75324
Root	107.20581885416667	9.03281	302.262
Root (elongation zone)	35.113005	5.28912	86.0574
Root (meristematic zone)	12.98365	12.7668	13.2005
Root (stele)	186.5785	129.006	283.447
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	63.064	63.064	63.064
Secondary root	12.2835	12.2835	12.2835
Root, root hairs removed	59.9521	59.9521	59.9521
Root (maturation zone)	4.30781	4.30781	4.30781