condition mean min max Egg cell 75.19366666666667 56.246 101.397 Ovary 11.925746666666667 9.13984 14.3928 Ovule 14.51395 11.6624 17.4437 Microspore 17.433598 1.09419 36.4672 Bicellular microspore 2.00089 2.00089 2.00089 Pollen (mature) 5.248647432432432 0.721337 25.2065 Pollen tube 1.7674483333333333 1.27489 2.24258 Sperm cell 0.8275954285714285 0.0 2.52397 Pollen tube 1.7674483333333333 1.27489 2.24258 Tassels (primordia) 11.756382499999999 7.21503 15.0024 Tassels (anther) 32.42866923076923 18.0123 58.3766 Tassels 18.35613 3.36994 26.9978 Silk 32.0191 18.841 45.1972 Ear 28.906305 4.16638 153.809 Ear (immature) 14.051233333333334 10.732 15.9207 Ear (inflorescence) 13.785499999999999 13.6703 13.9007 Ear (primordia) 6.132161666666667 3.83773 7.96825 Zygote (12 HAP) 45.854 32.7289 57.2329 Zygote (24 HAP) 48.97996666666666 41.8508 56.0759 Daughter cell (apical) 26.44963333333333 22.1175 34.4051 Daughter cell (basal) 26.660966666666667 25.7621 27.2984 Embryo 26.3651 17.1883 67.8142 Nucellus 37.39185 34.3116 40.4721 Endopserm 8.19521857142857 1.46531 31.6268 Kernel 19.709891666666667 4.42247 43.7375 Kernel (germinating) 40.08595 33.7415 46.4304 Seeds 16.274033939393938 4.70316 48.9653 Embryo Sac 11.48995 10.727 12.2529 Pericarp and aleurone 14.6752 14.6752 14.6752 Coleoptile (5 day) 29.9908 24.6281 36.3092 Seedling 60.06597391304348 15.2066 122.929 Internode 22.7523 14.4723 27.0103 Sheath 29.9777 28.9581 30.9973 Shoot (apex) 34.20820804 0.764905 74.1705 Shoot 31.860616666666665 18.8551 50.8822 Whole plant 94.8255 67.2671 150.256 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 11.513855 9.53461 13.4931 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 11.434566666666667 10.2774 13.4184 Apical meristem 11.4741 11.4741 11.4741 Stem and meristem 13.072 11.6138 14.5302 Stems 20.5868625 12.929 30.1658 Stem (Internode) 24.881733333333333 21.2942 31.2352 Leaf 63.939792432432434 9.51306 234.122 Leaf (apex) 12.35749 9.28958 15.4254 Leaf (bundle sheath) 55.87005 44.6117 67.1284 Leaf (mesophyll) 51.132466666666666 33.9073 74.5227 Leaf (seedlings) 53.354886666666665 4.16726 153.991 Leaf and kernel 105.86945 85.5938 138.758 Ear (leaf) 25.5345 25.5345 25.5345 Root 27.405940625 11.0949 89.5804 Root (elongation zone) 14.26475 10.5113 16.9723 Root (meristematic zone) 14.04835 13.3599 14.7368 Root (stele) 29.95195 23.8307 41.0415 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 18.5986 18.5986 18.5986 Secondary root 14.1523 14.1523 14.1523 Root, root hairs removed 11.234 11.234 11.234 Root (maturation zone) 12.4835 12.4835 12.4835