condition mean min max Egg cell 87.55333333333333 39.6432 161.884 Ovary 104.99716666666667 81.4895 131.323 Ovule 127.9237 27.4945 376.621 Microspore 755.1123633 0.0262965 3733.75 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.7896494324324325 0.0 3.28057 Pollen tube 2.005568333333333 1.1471 3.0892 Sperm cell 6.548786257142857 0.0978818 12.982 Pollen tube 2.005568333333333 1.1471 3.0892 Tassels (primordia) 219.434 191.738 234.008 Tassels (anther) 544.8990769230769 241.812 1079.07 Tassels 235.4240375 77.6282 353.835 Silk 191.34845 74.2279 308.469 Ear 366.12170000000003 133.682 566.528 Ear (immature) 359.65166666666664 324.44 479.461 Ear (inflorescence) 471.6155 422.116 521.115 Ear (primordia) 215.21 64.3346 322.202 Zygote (12 HAP) 88.75916666666667 81.6435 98.452 Zygote (24 HAP) 51.32233333333333 39.6093 68.7532 Daughter cell (apical) 15.888123333333334 2.76408 36.6882 Daughter cell (basal) 8.21483 4.97245 13.5045 Embryo 201.33744444444443 121.061 298.111 Nucellus 208.1755 207.776 208.575 Endopserm 35.19829857142857 8.33348 94.7299 Kernel 172.47719166666667 30.9899 439.108 Kernel (germinating) 212.5215 205.071 219.972 Seeds 171.17357575757575 44.4349 354.965 Embryo Sac 105.3006 73.5832 137.018 Pericarp and aleurone 132.141 132.141 132.141 Coleoptile (5 day) 66.10606666666666 60.3217 70.526 Seedling 202.12216086956522 70.8289 514.777 Internode 179.6642857142857 130.457 268.579 Sheath 90.09385 83.9934 96.1943 Shoot (apex) 237.91740000000001 154.245 419.017 Shoot 226.31525 124.968 345.109 Whole plant 287.71275 189.144 446.856 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 266.7025 259.704 273.701 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 265.65866666666665 225.085 310.746 Apical meristem 211.785 211.785 211.785 Stem and meristem 236.5555 232.36 240.751 Stems 167.408375 125.258 201.975 Stem (Internode) 160.25233333333333 140.794 193.299 Leaf 203.68978018018018 32.5603 583.727 Leaf (apex) 285.3595 238.332 332.387 Leaf (bundle sheath) 198.554 151.412 245.696 Leaf (mesophyll) 100.04886666666667 89.0242 122.01 Leaf (seedlings) 68.194696 9.95874 177.185 Leaf and kernel 231.91833333333332 195.162 278.381 Ear (leaf) 151.945 151.945 151.945 Root 377.15676041666666 118.566 1939.13 Root (elongation zone) 146.9268 98.2452 207.783 Root (meristematic zone) 233.9975 227.191 240.804 Root (stele) 165.2675 148.213 178.531 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 334.329 334.329 334.329 Secondary root 382.665 382.665 382.665 Root, root hairs removed 240.809 240.809 240.809 Root (maturation zone) 294.046 294.046 294.046