condition mean min max Egg cell 1.2601405666666667 0.0999747 3.37123 Ovary 3.3387466666666668 2.33338 4.51256 Ovule 10.433052499999999 1.84972 33.8439 Microspore 3.0725198000000002 0.0 14.2261 Bicellular microspore 0.0201111 0.0201111 0.0201111 Pollen (mature) 49.299093324324325 0.311703 261.476 Pollen tube 30.484683333333333 26.7785 36.0172 Sperm cell 3.0691525714285715 0.167855 19.2869 Pollen tube 30.484683333333333 26.7785 36.0172 Tassels (primordia) 23.408075 14.5697 33.7896 Tassels (anther) 22.3181 13.3838 35.8094 Tassels 31.886499999999998 21.481 47.8018 Silk 2.09824 1.14023 3.05625 Ear 22.499672 0.49064 81.4 Ear (immature) 25.29103333333333 21.9473 30.828 Ear (inflorescence) 23.882150000000003 22.7007 25.0636 Ear (primordia) 32.033685 8.80131 62.864 Zygote (12 HAP) 1.6901136666666667 0.149511 3.08366 Zygote (24 HAP) 3.3903966666666667 3.00023 4.16813 Daughter cell (apical) 2.427216666666667 1.53958 3.49364 Daughter cell (basal) 4.16427 3.63573 5.14669 Embryo 10.892139666666667 0.340851 22.1781 Nucellus 20.57405 17.6119 23.5362 Endopserm 4.156214428571428 0.160207 14.568 Kernel 12.175668333333332 2.23752 32.3289 Kernel (germinating) 12.506085 8.80347 16.2087 Seeds 15.864287878787879 0.453478 44.6849 Embryo Sac 4.782299999999999 4.07529 5.48931 Pericarp and aleurone 3.41999 3.41999 3.41999 Coleoptile (5 day) 11.621500000000001 10.8972 12.8381 Seedling 13.373863565217391 0.254022 36.7352 Internode 9.171675428571428 0.250068 57.6744 Sheath 29.81425 25.4688 34.1597 Shoot (apex) 14.61541336 3.5062 36.4718 Shoot 23.809541666666668 3.8592 34.9733 Whole plant 8.4357725 5.00321 11.8592 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 13.809899999999999 12.6497 14.9701 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 3.7658766666666663 2.70912 4.8927 Apical meristem 22.2305 22.2305 22.2305 Stem and meristem 26.05905 24.3192 27.7989 Stems 18.80353725 0.531057 49.7136 Stem (Internode) 2.1342616666666667 0.420801 5.35116 Leaf 7.372431554954955 0.0 57.1092 Leaf (apex) 18.0434 17.9584 18.1284 Leaf (bundle sheath) 8.306995 4.29479 12.3192 Leaf (mesophyll) 12.454133333333333 8.2661 15.4826 Leaf (seedlings) 3.6952162 0.0 20.9041 Leaf and kernel 2.6123933333333333 1.13241 5.73428 Ear (leaf) 0.115604 0.115604 0.115604 Root 14.2536815 0.705334 56.845 Root (elongation zone) 53.664675 33.4549 73.9506 Root (meristematic zone) 24.9515 24.2347 25.6683 Root (stele) 8.0820025 6.50214 11.6525 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 32.0829 32.0829 32.0829 Secondary root 59.0931 59.0931 59.0931 Root, root hairs removed 35.1348 35.1348 35.1348 Root (maturation zone) 36.0325 36.0325 36.0325