condition mean min max Egg cell 19.8197 11.6727 32.9287 Ovary 2.721573333333333 1.92262 3.42696 Ovule 11.593895 5.1747 26.2391 Microspore 10.353795999999999 1.94569 26.4564 Bicellular microspore 0.710895 0.710895 0.710895 Pollen (mature) 0.39465457837837836 0.0 1.92475 Pollen tube 0.08041811666666666 0.0413525 0.13955 Sperm cell 0.2771142142857143 0.0 1.63805 Pollen tube 0.08041811666666666 0.0413525 0.13955 Tassels (primordia) 33.2093 25.483 39.3864 Tassels (anther) 36.484915384615384 24.9919 45.5146 Tassels 23.325100000000003 10.3255 38.706 Silk 13.50067 5.78114 21.2202 Ear 24.82046 12.7544 43.5514 Ear (immature) 20.881216666666667 17.846 23.373 Ear (inflorescence) 23.474899999999998 18.6118 28.338 Ear (primordia) 35.58473333333333 12.5814 45.3325 Zygote (12 HAP) 21.8812 20.5678 23.5994 Zygote (24 HAP) 25.0352 22.1721 30.2254 Daughter cell (apical) 7.91816 6.38378 9.4196 Daughter cell (basal) 10.728393333333333 8.87138 13.7307 Embryo 30.39048888888889 12.7278 56.7917 Nucellus 41.36395 38.1194 44.6085 Endopserm 11.31964 1.46873 42.0547 Kernel 23.563108333333332 10.1511 54.8452 Kernel (germinating) 33.4979 27.4468 39.549 Seeds 27.831749090909092 2.15118 50.5166 Embryo Sac 11.602325 6.58295 16.6217 Pericarp and aleurone 12.1324 12.1324 12.1324 Coleoptile (5 day) 18.3716 17.1881 19.0179 Seedling 11.423654782608695 2.21657 24.5198 Internode 31.048857142857145 27.5153 41.7494 Sheath 29.58085 26.6126 32.5491 Shoot (apex) 24.59236464 8.98162 71.5919 Shoot 9.515394166666667 5.03558 17.0385 Whole plant 9.80191 6.48464 12.6094 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 18.0379 17.393 18.6828 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 32.318933333333334 26.765 39.9012 Apical meristem 37.9595 37.9595 37.9595 Stem and meristem 32.71515 31.9757 33.4546 Stems 29.8693875 25.0541 37.669 Stem (Internode) 26.14196666666667 20.7783 30.977 Leaf 16.031161729729728 0.404376 70.2894 Leaf (apex) 33.311099999999996 27.5277 39.0945 Leaf (bundle sheath) 7.44487 5.94868 8.94106 Leaf (mesophyll) 6.498096666666667 3.46997 9.51158 Leaf (seedlings) 3.4822036666666665 0.353321 14.4702 Leaf and kernel 3.281648333333333 1.33815 5.62022 Ear (leaf) 8.55668 8.55668 8.55668 Root 23.604529166666666 5.51521 47.362 Root (elongation zone) 27.038975 20.7579 29.8104 Root (meristematic zone) 47.179 45.5409 48.8171 Root (stele) 25.109625 22.5339 27.2226 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 24.5705 24.5705 24.5705 Secondary root 38.2417 38.2417 38.2417 Root, root hairs removed 32.9652 32.9652 32.9652 Root (maturation zone) 44.6242 44.6242 44.6242