condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	4.934796666666667	3.40319	6.13222
Ovary	6.61493	4.12036	8.49296
Ovule	20.508445000000002	6.01658	44.0825
Microspore	20.252835599999997	0.669448	72.9382
Bicellular microspore	1.844	1.844	1.844
Pollen (mature)	444.6692432432433	153.383	855.652
Pollen tube	425.7558333333333	379.61	496.65
Sperm cell	55.12491142857143	3.08656	291.095
Pollen tube	425.7558333333333	379.61	496.65
Tassels (primordia)	30.493100000000002	24.5471	37.0782
Tassels (anther)	36.74735384615384	11.301	86.1574
Tassels	89.86935	11.1773	265.013
Silk	10.94784	9.73248	12.1632
Ear	39.49017	11.5544	105.262
Ear (immature)	17.4987	14.6828	20.1193
Ear (inflorescence)	14.8836	13.7989	15.9683
Ear (primordia)	24.46385	15.0639	34.3246
Zygote (12 HAP)	10.180579999999999	5.80759	16.8772
Zygote (24 HAP)	6.180396666666667	3.06384	12.0628
Daughter cell (apical)	21.59071	6.98333	29.0852
Daughter cell (basal)	9.598343333333334	2.96783	22.4678
Embryo	44.061863333333335	8.75337	126.233
Nucellus	60.960300000000004	59.6791	62.2415
Endopserm	8.500796428571428	2.62476	27.8037
Kernel	56.61060416666667	9.94195	218.645
Kernel (germinating)	35.0026	18.9722	51.033
Seeds	41.20749575757576	5.81316	82.9431
Embryo Sac	25.2616	15.1553	35.3679
Pericarp and aleurone	43.2263	43.2263	43.2263
Coleoptile (5 day)	95.3198	84.9532	101.874
Seedling	73.48386956521739	25.1377	142.557
Internode	132.12767142857143	39.7399	236.133
Sheath	65.93075	53.9328	77.9287
Shoot (apex)	41.7648672	12.4392	164.854
Shoot	45.6611	12.8032	94.0295
Whole plant	70.5487	54.8238	87.8889
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	22.3209	19.8444	24.7974
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	12.221079999999999	8.66884	14.5605
Apical meristem	23.7257	23.7257	23.7257
Stem and meristem	37.362399999999994	34.5787	40.1461
Stems	80.0438375	50.1408	180.852
Stem (Internode)	138.67233333333334	103.552	191.612
Leaf	46.9941572972973	5.64867	350.519
Leaf (apex)	24.06975	18.0259	30.1136
Leaf (bundle sheath)	39.60806	4.60942	74.6067
Leaf (mesophyll)	48.4803	9.9125	95.0466
Leaf (seedlings)	18.710522066666666	0.961801	62.2268
Leaf and kernel	27.599916666666665	14.4211	48.4765
Ear (leaf)	24.4827	24.4827	24.4827
Root	56.651324583333334	9.35086	206.338
Root (elongation zone)	49.929225	19.1073	81.4672
Root (meristematic zone)	16.39845	15.5741	17.2228
Root (stele)	52.047375	34.4464	59.4901
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	68.4	68.4	68.4
Secondary root	44.8782	44.8782	44.8782
Root, root hairs removed	50.1418	50.1418	50.1418
Root (maturation zone)	7.01886	7.01886	7.01886