condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	11.44342	8.30692	16.3733
Ovary	5.998803333333333	3.65511	8.28479
Ovule	17.6556075	9.82043	38.8872
Microspore	11.2660812	0.652606	18.833
Bicellular microspore	0.354127	0.354127	0.354127
Pollen (mature)	0.5529503945945946	0.0	2.2931
Pollen tube	1.7589316666666668	1.19864	2.53206
Sperm cell	14.404234285714287	2.48882	41.0686
Pollen tube	1.7589316666666668	1.19864	2.53206
Tassels (primordia)	85.06125	79.8165	89.6476
Tassels (anther)	42.24224615384615	23.871	80.2366
Tassels	32.820995	7.63961	76.5096
Silk	11.435490000000001	5.68868	17.1823
Ear	39.86214	13.5337	110.437
Ear (immature)	36.0774	32.4621	39.0292
Ear (inflorescence)	35.429050000000004	28.4827	42.3754
Ear (primordia)	119.79753333333333	85.3166	175.646
Zygote (12 HAP)	22.870966666666668	14.9828	27.8792
Zygote (24 HAP)	29.401533333333333	19.9563	34.8162
Daughter cell (apical)	32.7852	28.3379	35.035
Daughter cell (basal)	23.99083333333333	21.1349	26.6073
Embryo	34.275644444444445	10.7038	57.7645
Nucellus	71.1388	70.4453	71.8323
Endopserm	18.209382857142856	3.35907	40.8354
Kernel	26.420075	13.5993	39.1976
Kernel (germinating)	32.450450000000004	30.6204	34.2805
Seeds	32.57693	7.84249	59.9669
Embryo Sac	19.64135	19.014	20.2687
Pericarp and aleurone	5.47496	5.47496	5.47496
Coleoptile (5 day)	28.048833333333334	20.358	32.7692
Seedling	15.599576956521739	4.90506	39.11
Internode	31.25894285714286	27.3063	37.3365
Sheath	34.19135	27.9261	40.4566
Shoot (apex)	39.3210968	17.7456	89.3509
Shoot	13.232143333333333	7.91752	24.0097
Whole plant	19.625875	12.9603	25.9946
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	30.05975	29.2675	30.852
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	47.684266666666666	43.6379	52.1401
Apical meristem	75.7664	75.7664	75.7664
Stem and meristem	46.8086	44.5635	49.0537
Stems	41.3806375	24.74	63.8659
Stem (Internode)	29.61883333333333	25.1663	36.1241
Leaf	14.638438018018018	2.11807	101.541
Leaf (apex)	70.76759999999999	68.9022	72.633
Leaf (bundle sheath)	6.965190000000001	3.45358	10.4768
Leaf (mesophyll)	6.049433333333334	4.36266	8.81107
Leaf (seedlings)	2.4257484666666667	0.363008	5.49166
Leaf and kernel	4.401558333333333	2.13864	8.24903
Ear (leaf)	8.6324	8.6324	8.6324
Root	29.575578125	6.60867	85.6512
Root (elongation zone)	20.32915	14.0628	24.8122
Root (meristematic zone)	70.8765	68.1774	73.5756
Root (stele)	28.9933	26.2589	30.7395
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	30.0727	30.0727	30.0727
Secondary root	26.0445	26.0445	26.0445
Root, root hairs removed	40.5318	40.5318	40.5318
Root (maturation zone)	42.9174	42.9174	42.9174