condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	0.7652566666666667	0.407018	1.36417
Ovary	0.8661076666666666	0.608938	1.00907
Ovule	5.9800450000000005	4.01306	9.23615
Microspore	3.4222874	0.389536	8.14752
Bicellular microspore	0.795743	0.795743	0.795743
Pollen (mature)	1.9609043972972973	0.0974857	9.94386
Pollen tube	1.4629983333333334	1.34384	1.68373
Sperm cell	16.939341428571428	2.65823	35.8823
Pollen tube	1.4629983333333334	1.34384	1.68373
Tassels (primordia)	12.443249999999999	10.9142	14.5612
Tassels (anther)	17.99406923076923	11.3712	21.3546
Tassels	13.165620125	0.145564	22.4004
Silk	5.853141	0.735282	10.971
Ear	11.033346	1.59833	35.2847
Ear (immature)	3.642978333333333	2.09765	4.76678
Ear (inflorescence)	6.67016	4.4697	8.87062
Ear (primordia)	10.858283666666667	0.379132	16.5846
Zygote (12 HAP)	4.322936666666666	3.02262	5.64654
Zygote (24 HAP)	2.60688	1.79989	3.31764
Daughter cell (apical)	6.99466	2.45458	10.9947
Daughter cell (basal)	5.289733333333333	2.14258	8.67202
Embryo	9.648987777777778	2.16845	20.3098
Nucellus	15.8427	15.6351	16.0503
Endopserm	1.7368688571428572	0.439492	4.66619
Kernel	6.101601666666666	1.55819	11.4125
Kernel (germinating)	14.96565	14.1783	15.753
Seeds	11.342595757575758	1.17017	22.2637
Embryo Sac	6.530775	5.71372	7.34783
Pericarp and aleurone	6.46555	6.46555	6.46555
Coleoptile (5 day)	7.635403333333333	3.85824	9.61183
Seedling	19.784871739130434	3.49271	48.4825
Internode	27.458972857142857	6.55911	34.5843
Sheath	22.819200000000002	22.7101	22.9283
Shoot (apex)	13.572966	3.02595	23.6576
Shoot	7.185135833333334	4.1314	14.4181
Whole plant	13.5762575	5.48993	18.691
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	4.92249	4.30491	5.54007
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	11.0566	10.6782	11.4158
Apical meristem	12.6854	12.6854	12.6854
Stem and meristem	16.19005	15.3138	17.0663
Stems	25.706362499999997	20.4047	36.7844
Stem (Internode)	29.868433333333332	25.9504	36.892
Leaf	16.062036783783785	0.571444	62.9008
Leaf (apex)	8.10981	6.73095	9.48867
Leaf (bundle sheath)	8.392645	2.64259	14.1427
Leaf (mesophyll)	11.557386666666666	9.82586	12.5102
Leaf (seedlings)	7.578878666666666	1.81434	13.3765
Leaf and kernel	7.5557533333333335	5.49869	8.35363
Ear (leaf)	17.5475	17.5475	17.5475
Root	18.1844046875	2.16538	31.3542
Root (elongation zone)	9.91736	2.39017	19.2785
Root (meristematic zone)	9.97462	9.39824	10.551
Root (stele)	27.634349999999998	23.7685	32.171
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	21.3815	21.3815	21.3815
Secondary root	4.83772	4.83772	4.83772
Root, root hairs removed	16.608	16.608	16.608
Root (maturation zone)	4.08187	4.08187	4.08187