condition mean min max Egg cell 24.276133333333334 16.8809 34.1838 Ovary 1.5258703333333334 0.968451 2.23234 Ovule 19.470375 14.254 27.8802 Microspore 9.979644 1.29049 21.7862 Bicellular microspore 2.71962 2.71962 2.71962 Pollen (mature) 0.6085985891891892 0.0435368 1.75418 Pollen tube 1.2041178333333333 0.681307 1.80905 Sperm cell 17.09464714285714 2.39383 29.6035 Pollen tube 1.2041178333333333 0.681307 1.80905 Tassels (primordia) 24.468775 19.4153 29.8039 Tassels (anther) 31.140953846153845 17.4166 49.4255 Tassels 18.11921375 1.11246 30.167 Silk 7.390995 3.75929 11.0227 Ear 18.120257000000002 6.76456 38.1755 Ear (immature) 10.263506666666666 8.10583 11.4351 Ear (inflorescence) 18.50295 14.3774 22.6285 Ear (primordia) 14.438199333333333 0.794766 22.3435 Zygote (12 HAP) 133.74066666666667 114.014 155.116 Zygote (24 HAP) 68.14996666666667 59.0178 81.0401 Daughter cell (apical) 17.677353333333333 9.79016 24.2786 Daughter cell (basal) 17.671366666666668 16.2527 18.6147 Embryo 17.37076 3.43062 24.2696 Nucellus 28.30175 26.1423 30.4612 Endopserm 11.006425 3.13314 21.321 Kernel 18.687675 11.8516 26.3125 Kernel (germinating) 20.790599999999998 17.214 24.3672 Seeds 24.132729393939393 3.38715 43.3495 Embryo Sac 24.37155 20.4392 28.3039 Pericarp and aleurone 7.44659 7.44659 7.44659 Coleoptile (5 day) 27.924833333333332 22.6937 31.3205 Seedling 15.990111304347826 3.2898 30.7223 Internode 25.4298 18.122 28.4386 Sheath 34.6757 33.5273 35.8241 Shoot (apex) 24.0174188 9.48925 35.3461 Shoot 8.313525 3.961 15.0713 Whole plant 12.130455 7.47242 14.496 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 11.87811 9.54892 14.2073 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 4.877976666666667 3.14011 7.7688 Apical meristem 19.7047 19.7047 19.7047 Stem and meristem 30.9356 27.6538 34.2174 Stems 33.2917875 21.6329 48.067 Stem (Internode) 26.54853333333333 25.0599 29.0053 Leaf 10.696338108108108 2.52818 38.6194 Leaf (apex) 17.2482 16.138 18.3584 Leaf (bundle sheath) 6.627815 3.40955 9.84608 Leaf (mesophyll) 6.402936666666666 4.55804 7.80068 Leaf (seedlings) 4.196642466666667 0.764647 8.29209 Leaf and kernel 4.156901666666666 2.73751 5.99203 Ear (leaf) 6.54455 6.54455 6.54455 Root 27.041372083333332 7.56185 42.8591 Root (elongation zone) 35.80625 17.6783 56.2284 Root (meristematic zone) 42.8133 41.2713 44.3553 Root (stele) 40.8161 37.4667 44.5729 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 29.7203 29.7203 29.7203 Secondary root 15.5976 15.5976 15.5976 Root, root hairs removed 21.0736 21.0736 21.0736 Root (maturation zone) 16.5765 16.5765 16.5765