condition mean min max Egg cell 0.040566333333333336 0.0 0.121699 Ovary 4.938266666666666 2.43547 6.80786 Ovule 3.883325 2.36865 7.34897 Microspore 29.844384800000004 0.300944 140.3 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 87.19113218918919 0.606171 201.221 Pollen tube 134.73266666666666 129.208 144.62 Sperm cell 6.095313871428572 0.0596911 39.6726 Pollen tube 134.73266666666666 129.208 144.62 Tassels (primordia) 5.65162 2.29598 9.12884 Tassels (anther) 40.45580538461538 6.66017 148.922 Tassels 17.43534375 8.23985 26.271 Silk 2.0730500000000003 1.20417 2.94193 Ear 10.990983 1.87041 57.4731 Ear (immature) 21.249616666666668 16.1912 25.7011 Ear (inflorescence) 6.76506 5.32152 8.2086 Ear (primordia) 9.979955 2.65674 36.4505 Zygote (12 HAP) 7.600596666666667 1.62027 17.0603 Zygote (24 HAP) 6.25066 2.97179 9.37658 Daughter cell (apical) 1.1463383333333332 0.0 2.61807 Daughter cell (basal) 1.0147773333333334 0.209791 2.48883 Embryo 40.61475244444444 0.78278 156.158 Nucellus 113.6585 110.871 116.446 Endopserm 0.9485691571428572 0.0 3.4225 Kernel 8.821393333333333 1.07333 36.6785 Kernel (germinating) 10.036215 2.67183 17.4006 Seeds 5.9239393636363635 0.347918 40.2137 Embryo Sac 3.472715 2.26708 4.67835 Pericarp and aleurone 13.8781 13.8781 13.8781 Coleoptile (5 day) 2.8624633333333334 2.47273 3.07952 Seedling 12.92588652173913 1.09304 60.4629 Internode 3.955285714285714 2.28672 5.45347 Sheath 3.1446750000000003 2.80121 3.48814 Shoot (apex) 23.26178192 1.65202 167.75 Shoot 6.252556666666667 3.20093 18.4313 Whole plant 19.619885 1.65954 49.6437 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 2.76061 2.70037 2.82085 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 5.706626666666667 3.87358 8.90547 Apical meristem 4.07204 4.07204 4.07204 Stem and meristem 2.8385949999999998 2.67564 3.00155 Stems 3.35642875 1.50261 10.1822 Stem (Internode) 3.4557866666666666 2.12551 5.10515 Leaf 12.090819045045045 0.379566 224.054 Leaf (apex) 4.57888 4.40036 4.7574 Leaf (bundle sheath) 4.183115 1.5719 6.79433 Leaf (mesophyll) 2.664526 0.611588 5.30649 Leaf (seedlings) 3.8500089466666667 0.0 22.5989 Leaf and kernel 2.347621666666667 1.49594 5.08877 Ear (leaf) 3.31439 3.31439 3.31439 Root 7.6750536875 0.436893 50.7229 Root (elongation zone) 1.985686 0.907124 4.09825 Root (meristematic zone) 1.452815 0.49294 2.41269 Root (stele) 7.48107 6.25833 9.29292 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 1.27238 1.27238 1.27238 Secondary root 5.43318 5.43318 5.43318 Root, root hairs removed 4.30877 4.30877 4.30877 Root (maturation zone) 0.458478 0.458478 0.458478