condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	4.97865	1.68173	11.1522
Ovary	2.0670066666666664	1.44169	2.60723
Ovule	5.0530825	2.01706	7.94763
Microspore	1.6070714	0.0	4.82208
Bicellular microspore	0.0	0.0	0.0
Pollen (mature)	0.0613564972972973	0.0	0.222475
Pollen tube	0.025071200000000002	0.0	0.057209
Sperm cell	0.10050334285714285	0.0	0.562272
Pollen tube	0.025071200000000002	0.0	0.057209
Tassels (primordia)	15.0163825	9.04343	18.8537
Tassels (anther)	3.840462384615385	0.908921	7.62232
Tassels	3.2219425	0.419444	7.65764
Silk	1.3658549999999998	1.09666	1.63505
Ear	7.100208	1.14147	9.83057
Ear (immature)	6.776466666666667	6.03259	7.83425
Ear (inflorescence)	11.86025	11.349	12.3715
Ear (primordia)	14.9017	4.3569	25.6817
Zygote (12 HAP)	8.440876666666666	6.47754	11.542
Zygote (24 HAP)	21.400466666666667	17.3387	26.9758
Daughter cell (apical)	11.061963333333333	9.80539	12.3439
Daughter cell (basal)	9.553230000000001	8.579	10.7134
Embryo	6.535958	0.765072	16.3266
Nucellus	9.20002	8.94086	9.45918
Endopserm	2.204990142857143	0.235395	7.86124
Kernel	3.4189766666666666	1.78674	8.07423
Kernel (germinating)	2.794585	2.7776	2.81157
Seeds	3.6951881818181818	0.995	9.6832
Embryo Sac	10.58413	3.59816	17.5701
Pericarp and aleurone	1.51855	1.51855	1.51855
Coleoptile (5 day)	9.34099	8.63227	10.3718
Seedling	1.790111347826087	0.254802	7.26669
Internode	1.481016857142857	0.45973	5.05425
Sheath	2.60741	2.24583	2.96899
Shoot (apex)	4.28246176	0.361071	10.6989
Shoot	1.3473295833333334	0.37421	5.14398
Whole plant	2.7344475	1.42856	3.63569
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	6.723585	6.24227	7.2049
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	8.303376666666667	7.08343	8.96437
Apical meristem	16.068	16.068	16.068
Stem and meristem	6.005330000000001	5.80853	6.20213
Stems	3.631323375	0.443587	8.36249
Stem (Internode)	1.1373499999999999	0.695832	2.0094
Leaf	3.6417692135135136	0.0	44.4936
Leaf (apex)	10.022974999999999	6.74935	13.2966
Leaf (bundle sheath)	0.33584004999999995	0.0629361	0.608744
Leaf (mesophyll)	0.31137800000000004	0.0	0.767935
Leaf (seedlings)	1.3918785333333332	0.12128	3.87453
Leaf and kernel	0.17718245	0.0	0.540762
Ear (leaf)	0.265404	0.265404	0.265404
Root	2.087706760416667	0.294836	9.01728
Root (elongation zone)	0.7653445	0.560066	1.06229
Root (meristematic zone)	5.433235	5.31731	5.54916
Root (stele)	2.43329	1.64876	4.35493
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	1.01887	1.01887	1.01887
Secondary root	3.16705	3.16705	3.16705
Root, root hairs removed	1.94775	1.94775	1.94775
Root (maturation zone)	4.47198	4.47198	4.47198