condition mean min max Egg cell 37.1685 29.3119 48.9619 Ovary 1.367033 0.876949 1.67854 Ovule 26.5848 22.7101 33.437 Microspore 14.146328 1.56534 20.5178 Bicellular microspore 2.97146 2.97146 2.97146 Pollen (mature) 5.929623243243244 1.35471 15.587 Pollen tube 3.5992683333333333 3.23196 4.55116 Sperm cell 75.17032571428571 7.54478 185.087 Pollen tube 3.5992683333333333 3.23196 4.55116 Tassels (primordia) 30.086475 21.4256 34.5248 Tassels (anther) 31.08613076923077 20.0961 38.5651 Tassels 25.473735 1.90009 36.367 Silk 20.99766 1.79652 40.1988 Ear 19.261525 4.50306 41.5356 Ear (immature) 13.745566666666667 8.2832 16.9006 Ear (inflorescence) 17.7459 10.6526 24.8392 Ear (primordia) 33.36804 2.69614 48.3548 Zygote (12 HAP) 30.354166666666668 18.8218 41.2689 Zygote (24 HAP) 45.767966666666666 42.8 49.9545 Daughter cell (apical) 70.8882 58.6552 79.3405 Daughter cell (basal) 68.24073333333334 61.3442 79.026 Embryo 27.249477777777777 13.4397 42.3576 Nucellus 24.81495 23.471 26.1589 Endopserm 24.749939285714287 8.76415 59.2187 Kernel 33.83019 4.30338 57.6527 Kernel (germinating) 24.8838 19.6827 30.0849 Seeds 31.33524878787879 3.94241 54.1854 Embryo Sac 29.8835 29.4216 30.3454 Pericarp and aleurone 15.2291 15.2291 15.2291 Coleoptile (5 day) 39.89273333333333 31.2849 46.1782 Seedling 23.897269565217393 10.9088 35.3675 Internode 30.2881 18.6125 38.5889 Sheath 34.12575 32.5559 35.6956 Shoot (apex) 17.80432384 5.64618 31.5339 Shoot 13.094140833333334 7.91348 22.45 Whole plant 19.385075 14.6482 24.3262 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 7.0052900000000005 6.88694 7.12364 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 22.561633333333333 20.9585 23.6387 Apical meristem 22.8433 22.8433 22.8433 Stem and meristem 28.4556 26.4246 30.4866 Stems 38.390550000000005 28.742 51.4523 Stem (Internode) 31.098366666666667 28.3257 34.3869 Leaf 22.318716846846847 3.91929 57.4013 Leaf (apex) 20.38375 18.3448 22.4227 Leaf (bundle sheath) 12.840269999999999 6.38104 19.2995 Leaf (mesophyll) 16.3311 13.8202 19.1216 Leaf (seedlings) 14.007839333333333 3.09319 28.0503 Leaf and kernel 12.1209 9.4149 15.8975 Ear (leaf) 22.1256 22.1256 22.1256 Root 28.725108854166667 4.28948 48.1797 Root (elongation zone) 17.328025 4.16516 31.4578 Root (meristematic zone) 28.912 27.944 29.88 Root (stele) 43.08415 37.2833 49.5208 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 32.1984 32.1984 32.1984 Secondary root 14.6259 14.6259 14.6259 Root, root hairs removed 33.268 33.268 33.268 Root (maturation zone) 10.7085 10.7085 10.7085