condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	1.250994	0.744282	1.54939
Ovary	8.645856666666667	5.36266	12.3856
Ovule	19.872225	9.5048	48.0517
Microspore	0.39470062	0.0	0.989316
Bicellular microspore	0.0253693	0.0253693	0.0253693
Pollen (mature)	0.10589266513513514	0.0	1.10563
Pollen tube	0.010326328333333334	0.0	0.0198333
Sperm cell	0.03467931428571429	0.0	0.160754
Pollen tube	0.010326328333333334	0.0	0.0198333
Tassels (primordia)	55.9156	43.4534	68.7378
Tassels (anther)	30.504930769230768	15.9686	56.7605
Tassels	20.38888875	6.24766	62.449
Silk	7.96035	2.7269	13.1938
Ear	33.145813	4.01014	62.3612
Ear (immature)	32.89658333333333	19.9703	39.1789
Ear (inflorescence)	53.5621	45.2607	61.8635
Ear (primordia)	56.23566666666667	23.6617	83.4706
Zygote (12 HAP)	1.6144376666666667	0.949433	2.56727
Zygote (24 HAP)	1.9406376666666667	0.947893	2.48227
Daughter cell (apical)	2.6153233333333334	1.80096	3.49513
Daughter cell (basal)	3.7883266666666664	1.79612	4.8529
Embryo	40.01199	4.15841	74.4271
Nucellus	119.28	117.048	121.512
Endopserm	10.352378571428572	3.19673	25.2507
Kernel	27.212834166666667	7.19069	92.8365
Kernel (germinating)	13.81695	12.7157	14.9182
Seeds	32.789527575757575	5.13423	66.3218
Embryo Sac	11.86955	10.9671	12.772
Pericarp and aleurone	7.65628	7.65628	7.65628
Coleoptile (5 day)	16.956233333333333	13.6852	18.7586
Seedling	7.8293547826086956	1.3654	20.1495
Internode	14.082444285714287	6.30415	37.515
Sheath	17.86815	14.7857	20.9506
Shoot (apex)	35.1138728	12.528	81.1159
Shoot	5.719813333333334	1.64494	16.4176
Whole plant	17.702075	11.3576	21.8484
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	23.7591	20.4098	27.1084
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	20.892766666666667	16.7124	23.4949
Apical meristem	49.2072	49.2072	49.2072
Stem and meristem	36.53165	35.9503	37.113
Stems	36.7133375	11.0872	82.1294
Stem (Internode)	12.632146666666667	9.82074	16.0703
Leaf	4.906931468468469	0.332151	40.951
Leaf (apex)	44.16305	38.7338	49.5923
Leaf (bundle sheath)	1.2515234999999998	0.479827	2.02322
Leaf (mesophyll)	0.9977199999999999	0.366794	1.77107
Leaf (seedlings)	0.8017428	0.267991	2.03489
Leaf and kernel	1.8742366666666666	1.35723	2.47463
Ear (leaf)	0.910553	0.910553	0.910553
Root	14.151304270833334	2.34556	43.0947
Root (elongation zone)	8.9181975	5.58654	12.9555
Root (meristematic zone)	35.4868	34.4334	36.5402
Root (stele)	22.869175	18.3103	31.8402
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	17.8187	17.8187	17.8187
Secondary root	14.209	14.209	14.209
Root, root hairs removed	17.8584	17.8584	17.8584
Root (maturation zone)	26.6557	26.6557	26.6557