condition mean min max Egg cell 12.490893333333332 6.92621 22.025 Ovary 17.835433333333334 13.102 20.2415 Ovule 20.5963 11.751 43.3287 Microspore 3.343332 0.0 9.19045 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 17.191948162162163 0.147178 69.3532 Pollen tube 11.681848333333333 7.82309 13.5883 Sperm cell 41.53603242857143 0.978147 92.4481 Pollen tube 11.681848333333333 7.82309 13.5883 Tassels (primordia) 66.85285 53.9661 73.0257 Tassels (anther) 39.479084615384615 33.2774 49.4683 Tassels 36.1674375 10.2594 48.3514 Silk 47.3894 34.7314 60.0474 Ear 56.21424 36.7793 150.595 Ear (immature) 51.34245 45.6396 54.6578 Ear (inflorescence) 50.214349999999996 49.8511 50.5776 Ear (primordia) 54.64205 15.83 79.6928 Zygote (12 HAP) 55.04723333333333 49.3397 62.1883 Zygote (24 HAP) 49.081633333333336 45.305 55.0041 Daughter cell (apical) 11.032176666666667 5.04003 16.1573 Daughter cell (basal) 11.090656666666666 8.80907 13.7517 Embryo 43.601477777777774 22.9016 63.9418 Nucellus 93.00995 88.1136 97.9063 Endopserm 31.96067142857143 16.1808 54.8052 Kernel 51.270516666666666 24.0635 110.488 Kernel (germinating) 52.6926 49.5503 55.8349 Seeds 47.71102121212121 29.1279 79.6382 Embryo Sac 24.00145 20.2631 27.7398 Pericarp and aleurone 36.3784 36.3784 36.3784 Coleoptile (5 day) 103.29223333333333 99.2557 110.565 Seedling 47.641999999999996 21.967 76.3459 Internode 50.6115 47.2914 58.8716 Sheath 72.2817 70.1576 74.4058 Shoot (apex) 66.7880608 36.6237 91.1861 Shoot 32.08980833333333 21.6518 48.3127 Whole plant 64.9766 54.0833 82.8591 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 59.833200000000005 54.9531 64.7133 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 89.7764 82.869 102.586 Apical meristem 49.2156 49.2156 49.2156 Stem and meristem 42.849149999999995 39.4942 46.2041 Stems 48.0465125 38.8116 56.0253 Stem (Internode) 53.0338 51.9335 55.1475 Leaf 38.6750009009009 16.896 90.1127 Leaf (apex) 35.57355 35.1177 36.0294 Leaf (bundle sheath) 30.1144 21.3012 38.9276 Leaf (mesophyll) 24.302833333333332 19.7254 29.309 Leaf (seedlings) 14.813515333333333 2.24633 30.7505 Leaf and kernel 37.11593333333333 35.2087 41.5392 Ear (leaf) 20.3781 20.3781 20.3781 Root 50.18032291666667 28.8737 79.2287 Root (elongation zone) 45.08045 35.7135 53.5409 Root (meristematic zone) 33.5165 30.6225 36.4105 Root (stele) 72.55330000000001 56.527 83.2671 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 32.7442 32.7442 32.7442 Secondary root 34.6894 34.6894 34.6894 Root, root hairs removed 34.1082 34.1082 34.1082 Root (maturation zone) 31.9017 31.9017 31.9017