condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	5.48578	2.34495	7.37942
Ovary	0.4930773333333333	0.353159	0.636466
Ovule	7.94949	4.29591	14.3073
Microspore	7.5905320000000005	0.368444	14.8011
Bicellular microspore	0.920047	0.920047	0.920047
Pollen (mature)	0.26155036756756755	0.0233544	2.2833
Pollen tube	0.10003811666666666	0.0681774	0.12599
Sperm cell	0.17060989	0.00874143	0.637649
Pollen tube	0.10003811666666666	0.0681774	0.12599
Tassels (primordia)	17.9099	15.0469	22.2149
Tassels (anther)	15.360813846153846	7.78513	22.8899
Tassels	10.33326375	1.72273	19.337
Silk	4.756252	0.566234	8.94627
Ear	12.787059	3.03849	26.4592
Ear (immature)	7.529138333333333	6.25815	8.37859
Ear (inflorescence)	13.850645	9.58469	18.1166
Ear (primordia)	19.069955	2.76303	29.042
Zygote (12 HAP)	6.14045	5.00927	8.18889
Zygote (24 HAP)	5.03259	4.07262	5.68878
Daughter cell (apical)	9.164333333333333	8.44637	9.52538
Daughter cell (basal)	7.506886666666667	6.13806	8.90656
Embryo	10.284321111111112	4.30961	16.7739
Nucellus	15.682950000000002	14.5173	16.8486
Endopserm	4.620836714285715	0.963924	8.83778
Kernel	8.6568425	2.37671	16.049
Kernel (germinating)	10.151235	7.78187	12.5206
Seeds	13.108869696969697	2.01904	25.5672
Embryo Sac	5.858245	5.35082	6.36567
Pericarp and aleurone	5.52931	5.52931	5.52931
Coleoptile (5 day)	10.156063333333334	7.59079	11.475
Seedling	9.529000434782608	2.36683	18.7619
Internode	18.38576714285714	8.66367	25.6459
Sheath	14.635000000000002	13.0662	16.2038
Shoot (apex)	14.15893392	4.09502	32.7792
Shoot	5.164819166666667	3.34672	10.5449
Whole plant	12.3659775	8.53531	14.596
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	5.4128799999999995	4.96905	5.85671
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	4.8819	3.03681	5.95294
Apical meristem	14.8382	14.8382	14.8382
Stem and meristem	13.371500000000001	12.9625	13.7805
Stems	22.08405	14.3553	25.6878
Stem (Internode)	20.018766666666668	17.5607	21.9004
Leaf	8.252484594594595	1.59166	22.3621
Leaf (apex)	10.39241	9.64252	11.1423
Leaf (bundle sheath)	2.735705	1.18276	4.28865
Leaf (mesophyll)	4.1898333333333335	2.92153	4.89117
Leaf (seedlings)	4.122942	1.23053	7.05812
Leaf and kernel	3.37414	2.91401	3.73592
Ear (leaf)	7.3261	7.3261	7.3261
Root	12.0534775	2.44056	22.191
Root (elongation zone)	5.352742500000001	1.50801	9.8543
Root (meristematic zone)	4.558925	4.45336	4.66449
Root (stele)	14.39275	11.5757	16.5471
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	11.9146	11.9146	11.9146
Secondary root	3.78677	3.78677	3.78677
Root, root hairs removed	10.2485	10.2485	10.2485
Root (maturation zone)	2.22692	2.22692	2.22692