condition mean min max Egg cell 0.4503396666666667 0.0 0.732693 Ovary 3.37122 2.26753 4.423 Ovule 7.4002375 2.3183 17.2286 Microspore 0.46487114 0.0245673 0.927387 Bicellular microspore 0.056538 0.056538 0.056538 Pollen (mature) 0.321275672972973 0.0 1.7166 Pollen tube 0.215886 0.145805 0.340426 Sperm cell 1.2255094285714285 0.269981 3.05587 Pollen tube 0.215886 0.145805 0.340426 Tassels (primordia) 28.691175 18.7158 40.6777 Tassels (anther) 19.73547923076923 8.28213 24.8864 Tassels 11.628878625 0.925989 26.0793 Silk 8.66987 0.47014 16.8696 Ear 13.399297 1.22154 49.2072 Ear (immature) 7.154471666666667 2.64315 8.71426 Ear (inflorescence) 16.294775 9.70115 22.8884 Ear (primordia) 31.770808333333335 5.46935 42.0641 Zygote (12 HAP) 0.9562923333333333 0.577459 1.62656 Zygote (24 HAP) 2.33311 1.67373 3.24941 Daughter cell (apical) 6.5570699999999995 3.68902 10.1756 Daughter cell (basal) 3.9578533333333334 2.51184 5.73083 Embryo 16.74093111111111 4.88478 23.6773 Nucellus 36.6503 35.6267 37.6739 Endopserm 3.580991642857143 0.663833 7.78885 Kernel 10.691566666666667 1.46119 25.9821 Kernel (germinating) 11.216455 8.31301 14.1199 Seeds 16.58485787878788 3.64245 29.2767 Embryo Sac 2.85743 2.38913 3.32573 Pericarp and aleurone 5.54148 5.54148 5.54148 Coleoptile (5 day) 11.832566666666667 5.5565 15.0675 Seedling 12.724092173913043 3.74058 25.7755 Internode 14.001934285714286 5.99544 19.3137 Sheath 14.82825 13.2312 16.4253 Shoot (apex) 13.2653924 1.05284 23.2418 Shoot 5.81154 3.23839 12.2322 Whole plant 12.41605 10.3287 14.3302 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 3.008425 2.66194 3.35491 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 0.1158477 0.0451738 0.233132 Apical meristem 21.6072 21.6072 21.6072 Stem and meristem 14.120650000000001 13.3354 14.9059 Stems 16.5768375 13.8587 20.8702 Stem (Internode) 16.3241 14.4534 18.7711 Leaf 9.582154693693694 0.397032 32.8681 Leaf (apex) 14.8788 12.6939 17.0637 Leaf (bundle sheath) 4.21204 1.76442 6.65966 Leaf (mesophyll) 6.439773333333333 5.67598 7.49777 Leaf (seedlings) 4.924127333333333 1.20548 9.98545 Leaf and kernel 4.6709 4.22938 5.05374 Ear (leaf) 7.29013 7.29013 7.29013 Root 10.841751770833334 3.18638 20.4288 Root (elongation zone) 4.58108075 0.840583 8.81233 Root (meristematic zone) 9.748830000000002 9.17256 10.3251 Root (stele) 13.549 11.6379 15.5816 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 10.3869 10.3869 10.3869 Secondary root 3.52218 3.52218 3.52218 Root, root hairs removed 11.4884 11.4884 11.4884 Root (maturation zone) 3.35288 3.35288 3.35288