condition mean min max Egg cell 15.032986666666666 7.10816 30.4298 Ovary 17.281366666666667 11.524 20.9585 Ovule 53.014475 35.8167 68.7724 Microspore 14.415476 1.0446 25.9247 Bicellular microspore 1.74752 1.74752 1.74752 Pollen (mature) 1.9801235945945945 0.079694 4.35867 Pollen tube 1.69134 1.3353 2.02429 Sperm cell 45.71630928571429 0.947135 105.915 Pollen tube 1.69134 1.3353 2.02429 Tassels (primordia) 48.17355 42.82 51.6316 Tassels (anther) 51.38756153846154 31.2327 86.2094 Tassels 30.290174999999998 11.2048 78.2267 Silk 14.52422 4.28114 24.7673 Ear 61.89513 11.0534 156.383 Ear (immature) 86.77953333333333 64.592 104.262 Ear (inflorescence) 69.6339 59.1249 80.1429 Ear (primordia) 33.128933333333336 12.7397 50.3742 Zygote (12 HAP) 29.977466666666665 17.3886 39.696 Zygote (24 HAP) 18.203500000000002 15.7245 20.5299 Daughter cell (apical) 41.7694 27.4184 67.5218 Daughter cell (basal) 29.413133333333334 22.8844 36.7637 Embryo 27.16910111111111 8.85871 55.0347 Nucellus 56.841750000000005 56.3222 57.3613 Endopserm 14.808432142857143 7.06605 25.6982 Kernel 30.724116666666667 20.833 63.8157 Kernel (germinating) 30.404 20.5075 40.3005 Seeds 45.0829696969697 13.0787 90.3272 Embryo Sac 69.5369 54.1435 84.9303 Pericarp and aleurone 11.9825 11.9825 11.9825 Coleoptile (5 day) 42.234833333333334 37.554 47.5321 Seedling 18.351536956521738 2.88871 26.6312 Internode 21.98794285714286 11.0188 40.311 Sheath 37.447 27.0884 47.8056 Shoot (apex) 65.0330016 26.9805 114.234 Shoot 13.418504166666667 5.05548 26.9316 Whole plant 26.141075 18.8712 36.9513 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 24.12565 20.5161 27.7352 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 46.92686666666667 40.0322 56.2749 Apical meristem 26.8212 26.8212 26.8212 Stem and meristem 43.50085 43.2439 43.7578 Stems 33.543775 17.2851 47.6657 Stem (Internode) 22.924133333333334 17.7639 31.1452 Leaf 10.937224684684685 1.45267 46.6574 Leaf (apex) 25.728450000000002 25.4919 25.965 Leaf (bundle sheath) 9.732035 6.36557 13.0985 Leaf (mesophyll) 11.592646666666667 9.08344 13.8197 Leaf (seedlings) 3.3960907333333332 0.707691 6.45745 Leaf and kernel 7.522445 6.47733 10.5026 Ear (leaf) 2.16816 2.16816 2.16816 Root 27.533139479166667 9.42989 48.6794 Root (elongation zone) 22.868125 16.9292 30.4664 Root (meristematic zone) 28.37605 27.0464 29.7057 Root (stele) 39.827625 35.9542 44.9084 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 26.0107 26.0107 26.0107 Secondary root 10.9202 10.9202 10.9202 Root, root hairs removed 23.2181 23.2181 23.2181 Root (maturation zone) 14.0141 14.0141 14.0141