condition mean min max Egg cell 217.36305 79.7766 467.9 Ovule 122.60660769230769 83.7632 179.569 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 156.94333333333333 147.993 161.664 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 155.722 127.929 179.356 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 88.7087 59.5014 108.706 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 8.098833333333333 5.88132 11.2565 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 121.54666666666667 104.974 130.298 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 10.209333333333333 8.7639 11.103 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 24.088833333333334 16.2419 39.0564 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 13.21738 10.4343 18.0039 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 29.573633333333333 18.2611 38.3194 Sperm 853.708 716.549 973.484 Pollen tube (Col-0) 90.4951 61.2838 119.554 Flower (receptacles) 127.961625 121.518 137.358 Flower (floral buds) 96.5184 96.5184 96.5184 Flower (sepals) 77.477975 65.893 91.2751 Flower (petals) 108.506 100.996 116.016 Flower (stamen filaments) 172.3345 163.563 181.106 Flower (anthers) 63.2279 11.8537 190.889 Flower (carpels) 141.67614285714285 111.385 170.283 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 161.148 153.352 168.944 Pedicel 94.38829999999999 92.0559 96.7207 Axis of the inflorescence 144.72199999999998 142.547 146.897 Silique 117.91444444444444 102.371 139.531 Silique (senescent) 7.79649 7.71287 7.88011 Pods of siliques 91.6735375 72.5266 114.939 Pods of siliques (senescent) 48.414100000000005 46.7839 50.0443 Embryo 170.75 170.75 170.75 Endosperm 44.35272 16.3289 181.035 Seed 2.0838525 1.31149 3.26668 Seed (young) 175.84879999999998 156.769 202.894 Seed (germinating) 111.92275000000001 91.2565 139.383 Seedling 55.1095 42.8568 67.5377 Seedling (etiolated) 104.8709 77.4675 121.627 Meristem 189.59846666666667 111.609 332.745 Stem (internode) 173.06900000000002 170.778 175.36 Stem (internode, senescent) 102.647 102.287 103.007 Stems 148.76426617647058 33.2747 286.729 Leaf (rosette) 65.55127142857143 49.4113 82.1815 Epidermis cells 16.310200000000002 15.8869 16.7335 Mature guard cells 5.94768 5.77261 6.12275 Root (differentiation zone) 105.391 105.391 105.391 Root (elongation zone) 354.84799999999996 293.154 416.542 Root (meristematic zone) 275.214 275.214 275.214 Root (apex) 244.76100000000002 213.71 275.812 Root (stele) 355.021 355.021 355.021 Root (QC cells) 120.02723541666667 0.480745 506.328 Root (tip) 286.4856666666667 274.466 293.117