condition mean min max Egg cell 6.012421666666667 0.232505 16.6747 Ovary 1.61136 1.08954 2.12847 Ovule 2.5054805 0.222246 8.56278 Microspore 0.8477056 0.154845 2.13107 Bicellular microspore 0.0311808 0.0311808 0.0311808 Pollen (mature) 2.0045626216216217 0.420388 6.38451 Pollen tube 2.6875716666666665 1.95939 2.94135 Sperm cell 0.6407711428571429 0.0 3.46514 Pollen tube 2.6875716666666665 1.95939 2.94135 Tassels (primordia) 7.2527975 6.8499 7.51838 Tassels (anther) 6.49362076923077 2.74783 12.4449 Tassels 10.1484375 2.79558 31.3434 Silk 0.7356802 0.0570904 1.41427 Ear 9.513212000000001 1.39466 32.5016 Ear (immature) 12.77632 9.70052 18.2024 Ear (inflorescence) 10.363579999999999 9.93206 10.7951 Ear (primordia) 12.39972 2.93944 30.9791 Zygote (12 HAP) 3.6609266666666667 1.59235 6.0132 Zygote (24 HAP) 8.848996666666666 5.60489 15.1306 Daughter cell (apical) 1.4730606666666666 0.703699 2.94548 Daughter cell (basal) 2.81261 2.42113 3.30579 Embryo 4.715826 0.220817 10.3971 Nucellus 3.39127 3.10421 3.67833 Endopserm 1.746099 0.119882 9.37695 Kernel 2.6250515 0.303065 7.79183 Kernel (germinating) 5.754525 2.26862 9.24043 Seeds 2.154077881818182 0.0 7.55122 Embryo Sac 0.7917365 0.125373 1.4581 Pericarp and aleurone 1.21275 1.21275 1.21275 Coleoptile (5 day) 1.2360419999999999 0.965436 1.42722 Seedling 1.4323917391304348 0.14473 5.52933 Internode 3.2757585714285713 1.32944 10.5685 Sheath 1.97152 1.37081 2.57223 Shoot (apex) 6.59456016 2.53858 13.8925 Shoot 2.1625700833333332 0.950161 3.27913 Whole plant 2.9741875 2.00796 5.28953 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 8.927915 7.45503 10.4008 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 2.1650799999999997 1.54287 2.9593 Apical meristem 11.817 11.817 11.817 Stem and meristem 6.61877 6.34007 6.89747 Stems 1.8452625 1.18387 2.54309 Stem (Internode) 2.0603433333333334 1.46707 2.64785 Leaf 1.512730454054054 0.0 12.8174 Leaf (apex) 8.59019 6.54018 10.6402 Leaf (bundle sheath) 0.7881640000000001 0.560258 1.01607 Leaf (mesophyll) 0.30982033333333336 0.0 0.683616 Leaf (seedlings) 0.3636656933333333 0.0 0.765706 Leaf and kernel 0.8749466666666668 0.430416 2.32424 Ear (leaf) 0.895312 0.895312 0.895312 Root 3.417331364583333 0.277322 17.4903 Root (elongation zone) 2.62247525 0.577087 5.10432 Root (meristematic zone) 4.057125 3.91041 4.20384 Root (stele) 2.7864675 2.13835 3.47619 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 5.60908 5.60908 5.60908 Secondary root 11.7359 11.7359 11.7359 Root, root hairs removed 6.72698 6.72698 6.72698 Root (maturation zone) 17.8892 17.8892 17.8892